Check Out These 10 Great Staycation Ideas!

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With gas prices at an all time high, many families are having to cancel or postpone their vacations. To help you keep the fun in your summer, we’ve put together some staycation ideas that we think you will love. If you are planning a road trip, check out Tons of Tips to Save At The Gas Pump!

Have an Outdoor Movie Night

Set up a movie screen or put a sheet on your fence and use a projector to watch a movie outdoors. A great place to find tons of family friendly movies is on Amazon Prime Video. Lay out some blankets and enjoy some snacks together.

Take A Virtual Tour

Did you know you can take virtual tours of tons of attractions? Check out these 12 Famous Museums That Offer Virtual Tours, Amazing Virtual Zoo Tours, and 17 Virtual Castle Tours You Can Take From Your Couch.

Have A Spa Day

Pamper yourself with DIY Foot Soaks, DIY Face Masks, or DIY Coconut Oil Conditioner. If you’re not feeling the DIY vibe, order some fun spa products from Amazon HERE.

Go Hiking

Check out some fun new hiking spots in your area. Getting out into nature can be so refreshing to body and soul. Don’t forget the sunscreen and bug spray, and drink plenty of water!

Go Airbnb

Check out the Airbnb website. You might be surprised to see what ones are available in your area!

Rent A Hotel For A Night

Kids don’t need to go a long way from home to have a good time. Look for hotels in your area that have a pool. Swimming, pizza in the room, and movies in bed can make for some great memories.

Sleep In An Indoor Fort

Kids love forts. Build one in your home with some blankets and fairy lights to create a magical place without having to travel. Did you know that Amazon has fort building kits?

Camp In Your Backyard

If you’re not able to make it to a campground this year, set up a tent in your backyard! You can even get a Smores Kit to use without having to have a fire pit!

Take a Trip To A Local Park For A Picnic

Grab some yummy food and a blanket and head to a local park for a fun family activity. Bonus points if it has a playground! It might be fun to take some of these outdoor games with you.

Become A Local Tourist

Chances are, there are some tourist locations in your home town that you may not have seen. Look for local museums, markets, and historic districts to learn more about the area you live.

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Categories: Travel, Shopping For Baby, Shopping for Her, Shopping For Him, Shopping For Kids, Shopping For Teens
Types: Birthday, Labor Day, Wedding

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