How To Preserve Your Produce For A Rainy Day

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Taking advantage of buying produce while it’s in season is a great way to save money, and most of the country is currently in it’s peak harvest time. Don’t miss your chance to save big by preserving your own produce. It can seem daunting, but whether you grow a garden, buy directly from the farm, or purchase at your local market, you can easily preserve your own produce to save for a rainy day. Here are some simple ideas. Also check out The Best Fruit and Vegetable Cutters.

Freeze Vegetables

Vegetables are super easy to freeze, and taste yummy when you thaw and cook them. Grab some freezer bags and check out our step-by-step instructions on these posts: How to Freeze Zucchini, How to Freeze Green Beans, and How to Freeze Corn.

Freeze Fruit

We love freezing fruit to use later for smoothies, and it’s so simple! Wash your fruit and peel it, if needed. Next, cut it into small pieces that will easily break up in your blender. Put your fruit in a freezer bag, making sure to get as much air out as possible. You could also to try a Food Saver. If you are freezing fruit that is super juicy, like peaches, you may want to freeze it in smaller, individual size bags, or freeze individual pieces on a cookie sheet before putting them into your freezer bag. This makes it easier to blend from frozen. Try this Healthy Low Calorie Strawberry Smoothie.

You can also freeze your fruit to use in pie or cobbler recipes later. Try our Air Fryer Apple Cobbler, Easy Dutch Apple Pie, or Air Fryer Dessert Hand Pies.

Make Freezer Jam

I love making my own jam because I can make it with less sugar. The lower sugar freezer jam is by far the easiest jam to make, and you can actually taste the fruit, instead of just the sugar. Did you know that regular jam has as much, or more sugar than it has fruit! Yikes! You can make any kind of fruit into a lower sugar jam by using Sure-Gel Less or No Sugar Needed Pectin. It’s important to use the low sugar pectin. If you use the regular pectin and add less sugar, your jam won’t set up correctly. Also try our Quick Strawberry Freezer Jam Recipe. Don’t forget to grab some canning jars before you get started.

Dehydrate Fruit and Vegetables

Dehydrated vegetables are great for using in soups or sauces. Invest in a good food dehydrator, and you can save a lot of money when fresh produce isn’t available. Check out How to Dry and Preserve Tomatoes {Plus My FAVORITE Dehydrator}, How to Dry Pears and Make Pear Fruit Leather, and Homemade Fruit Roll Recipe.

Can Produce To Make It Shelf Stable

Remember walking into your grandma’s pantry and seeing all the canned fruits and vegetables? Head back to your roots and try your hand at canning your own produce. Try these tips: How to Can Peaches the Easy Way! and Homemade Salsa Recipe for Canning or Having Fresh. The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving is a great resource, as well as the National Center for Home Food Preservation. If you don’t already have them, Amazon is a great place to order canning supplies.

Yummy Produce Recipes To Enjoy Now

22 Cool Cucumber Recipes to Make this Summer

EASY Air Fryer Zucchini Fries are Healthy and Fast

20 of Our Favorite Zucchini Recipes

Air Fryer Roasted Fall Vegetables

The Best Summer Squash Recipe You Can Make in the Air Fryer

10 of the Best Vegetables to Make in the Air Fryer

Parmesan Tomatoes in the Air Fryer

Low Carb Raspberry Chia Jam Recipe

Fresh, Light, and Easy Fruit in the Air Fryer

Honey Lime Fruit Salad Recipe


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Brand/Store: Amazon, Ball, FoodSaver
Categories: Food
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