Tips to Help You Stay On Budget and Shop Prime Big Deal Day Like a Pro
It’s shopping time… and with Amazon Prime Big Deal Day coming up in October, it’s time to go pro! What does it take to become a pro shopper? We think the best shopping experience starts with staying on budget. But how can you keep track of all your favorite brands and make sure you don’t miss out on the best deals – all while staying in your budget? Read on for some tips!
Ways to stay on budget on Prime Day
With all the deals on Amazon Prime Day, it’s tempting (and really easy) to spend more than you need and forget about your budget. Don’t mess up your finances later. To keep peace of mind about your money, here’s 3 tips to stay within your budget on Prime Day:
#1 Have the right mindset
- Staying on budget all starts with the right mindset. Instead of buying those new shoes or the latest gadget when payday comes along, start thinking about your long-term goals.
- What are the 3 most important goals in your life that you may want to make a big investment in? Saving for a vacation, education, padding the Holiday fund, or saving the money for a rainy day are all alternative goals!
- Before you make a purchase, think back to those goals and this will help you remember why you have a budget in the first place.
#2 See what you can spend and make a list
- Saving money now on something you are going to be using later is smart, as long as you can afford to pay for it without assuming extra debt and you can store it.
- To see how much free cash you have available for discretionary purchases, it’s important to track both how much money you make and how much you spend. You can use apps like YNAB [YouNeedaBudget], Mint, Clarity Money, Koach, or Truebill.
- When you have a clear picture of your cash flow, set a dollar amount for your spending limit on Prime Day.
- Make a list of things you need and things you want, then decide what you really want to spend your set amount on.
- Utilize other smart ways to purchase, including paying with Affirm (no fees, no interest, no credit check installment payments).
#3 Don’t shop at all
- Wait, what?? If you can’t afford to shop or you really don’t need anything, then sit it out and save your money for something else.
- You an also let us shop for you so you are not overly tempted! To stay alert about the deals you want to know about, sign up for the Fabulessly Frugal app. Turn on alerts for your favorite brands or items you want to know about, and never miss out on the best prices.
- It’s actually a lot of fun to get notified using the alerts from the app. I can stay within my budget and keep a good eye on deals I want to see.
#4 Save Money on Prime Day in THREE Easy Steps!
- Download our FREE app [CLICK HERE!]
- Tap to select the types of deals and brands you want deals on.
- Sit back and relax… we’ll find the deals and send you a notification when the stuff you want costs LESS!
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