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The Best Deals You Don’t Want to Miss in August | What to Buy in August

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What to Buy in August to Save Money

August is here which means back to school and end of summer savings. You will find so many great savings and deals this month that you don’t want to miss. Check them out!

Tax-free holiday-eligible items in August

States hold their back-to-school tax-free holidays at different times. But they all hold them in the summer — in July or August, depending on the state. Check out this chart to see when your state is having back to school tax free holidays.

Back to School Sales

The beginning of school is right around the corner, so you can expect great deals on all back to school items!

You’ll want to keep an eye on Walmart and Target for great back to school savings. Also be sure to head over to stores like Walgreens and CVS to find great deals as well.

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Dorm Décor

Because its Back to School Month, you will also find great deals and savings on all the essentials for college for the upcoming freshman.

If you are wanting to update any of the décor or bedding in a bedroom in your home, now is the time!

You will to keep an eye out for deals at stores like Kohl’s, Target, and Bed Bath & Beyond.


You will also find awesome savings on laptops with the new school year approaching. Head over to Best Buy to find student deals and savings on electronic items.

Kids’ Clothes

Another benefit to back to school is saving money on kids’ clothes. Check out your favorite retailer (like Walmart, Kohl’s, and Old Navy) to see if they have any discounted clothes for the kids going back to school

Summer Clothes

With August starting that means summer is wrapping up. Keep an eye out for deals on summer clothes at your favorite retailers. Clearance sales at stores like Lands’ End and Banana Republic Factory will likely feature discounts as high as 75% off. You’ll be able to enjoy these new clothes for several more weeks this year and for next summer.

Outdoor Gear

Score great savings on patio gear, garden tools, lawn mowers, and camping gear. Check with your favorite stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s, Target, Kohl’s, Walmart, and Sportsman’s Warehouse for deals on these things.

In-Season Produce

Take advantage of the end of summer fresh fruits and vegetables! You will see great prices on apricots, blueberries, grapes, mangos, melons, nectarines, kiwis, peaches, plums, raspberries, strawberries, and watermelon, all of which will be ripe and cheap. Readily available vegetables include corn, cucumbers, bell peppers, beets, eggplant, green beans, green onions, lettuce, okra, radishes, summer squash, and tomatoes.


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Brand/Store: Banana Republic, Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, CVS, Home Depot, Kohl's, Lands' End, Lowe's, Old Navy, Sportsman's Warehouse, Target, Walgreens, Walmart
Categories: Back-to-School, Bed and Bathroom, Cathy's FabuLESS Faves, Electronics, Outdoor, Sports, Shopping For Baby, Shopping for Her, Shopping For Him, Shopping For Kids, Shopping For Teens
Types: Best Price, Featured, My Favorite, Back-to-School
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