How to Make a Mini DIY Sugar Snap Pea Trellis

DIY sugar snap pea trellis

DIY Sugar Snap Pea Trellis Tutorial

As I was tinkering around in the greenhouse, I noticed a few extra pots I had on hand, as well as a nearly full bag of Sugar Snap Pea seeds. This gave me the thought of how neat it would be to create a mini DIY pea trellis!

A lot of my friends don’t garden (or can’t garden because of HOA’s… seriously?!?!?!?) but enjoy the benefits of fresh produce, so I thought it would be a perfect gift idea as well. I decided to whip up a couple of pots, and they turned out great!

DIY Snap Pea Trellis Supplies:

  • A large pot, (use one 12″ in diameter or larger)
  • Potting soil
  • 1 large rock
  • Sugar snap pea seeds (you could also use pole beans or any other lightweight vining vegetable or fruit)
  • Field wire (or chicken wire would work too)
  • Wire clippers

And because my husband and I are a bit on the “pack-rat-ty” side of things, we just happened to have all of these items on hand, which made my frugal little heart so happy!

Step 1. Preparing the Soil

I started by putting my large rock in the bottom of the pot for stability and then filled it with potting soil.

Then, using the spacing directions on the back of the packet, I used the end of a sharpie marker to make the holes and then dropped the seeds right in. Then I buried them and watered them.

Pot with dirt and seeds in it

Step 2. Preparing the Wire

Going to my field wire, I eyeballed how much wire I would need to make a tall cylinder shaped cage (or trellis) for the peas to climb.

DIY mini Trellis wire

I then snipped it, and formed the tube shape, using the loose ends of the wire to securely attach it.

Snipping the trellis wire

I made the trellis about 2 ½ feet tall, about the height of mature sugar snap pea plants. Then, I snipped the bottom piece of wire off the tube, making “prongs” and pressed the prongs into the dirt, making sure the trellis was nice and straight.

After about 10 days, this is what my DIY pea trellis looked like:

DIY pea trellis after 10 days

And then after about 17 days later, it looked like this:

homemade snap pea trellis

Final Thoughts

As time goes by, the vines will continue to grow up the trellis and little peas will start to fill in. As you can see from the photo above, I also have a DIY cork plant marker so that I know what’s growing in the pot!

If you’re giving this as a gift, the recipient doesn’t even need a garden to grow this…all they need is:

  • A sunny spot on the front porch, back deck, or even in a bedroom
  • A little bit of water; and
  • A hungry family to feed!

This is a gift that gives throughout the entire summer!

More Gardening Tips:

See all our gardening tips!

DIY snap pea trellis


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