What to Plant in May

What to plant in may

Time to Plant Green Beans, Corn and Pumpkins!

It’s difficult to know when the perfect time is to start planting certain vegetables, flowers, and herbs in your garden. Is there really a perfect time? Yes, there is! What you should be planting depends a lot on which hardiness zone you’re in. (You can figure that out here with your zip code.)

Once you figure out your hardiness zone, you can easily figure out which plants are going to do best in your location.

What to plant in may

What to Plant in May

Since the Northern States will finally start seeing some consistently warm weather it’s the perfect time to start planting seeds! If you live in the Northern States, here’s what to plant in May (click the plant you’d like to grow to see seed prices):

As you can see most of the plants you can start growing in May are quite exciting! Just imagine those fresh juicy tomatoes, carrots, corn, and more… yum!

With the warm weather and the frost gone, you should have no troubles growing these plants either. No greenhouse needed!


Vegetables to Plant in May

Third Week:

  • Outdoor Planting:  pumpkins, green beans, and corn.

Fourth Week:

  • Outdoors: cucumbers, squash, and melons.

Be sure to get your seeds!

Ferry moore seeds

Definitely check out Amazon for some great deals on seeds. They have a ton of different varieties and types of seeds available, as well as deals on gardening tools.


Toward the end of May/early April, you should have everything planted in your garden. Then you just have to take care of them. Good luck and have fun!

Let us know what you’re planning to start growing in May! We’d love to hear how your garden is coming along.

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Plants to grow in May

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