DIY Sea Salt Beach Waves Texture Spray

DIY sea salt beach waves texture spray

How to Make Your Own Sea Salt Spray

This DIY Sea Salt Texture Spray caught my eye and I had to try it out! Plus, it is super inexpensive to make at home!

I am definitely not a hair pro, but I happen to know a few people that are! I really wanted a second opinion on this DIY sea salt spray to make sure it is worth sharing with you, so I am grateful that my talented friend, Kylee, agreed to test it out. Thumbs up! (In fact, here is a picture of her daughter from her Instagram feed):

DIY texture spray ingredients

Beach Wave Spray DIY Ingredients

I added Ylang Ylang essential oil to my natural homemade salt spray because it offers such a beautiful, positive, and calming floral scent. Bonus: It is also known to have nourishing and protective properties and may promote healthier-looking hair!

I like the idea of adding in oil that not only offers a great scent but also adds benefit to the hair and can even lift your mood while you’re at it. 🙂 (See below for more ideas of essential oils to use in this recipe.)

The other ingredients for this DIY texture spray are warm water, natural sea salt, fractionated coconut oil, and aloe vera gel. You can use the gel from an aloe vera plant, or buy some aloe vera gel online or at a store. With essential oils, it is always good to use a glass container for storage.

DIY beach hair spray

DIY Sea Salt Spray Benefits

Ok, so if you’re not quite sure what Beach Waves Texture Spray is really all about and how to use it, here’s the gist of it: You can use this light beach texture salt spray to add volume and texture to hair.

Another benefit you’ll enjoy from using this DIY beach hair spray is that it will add grip or grit to the hair, which is helpful for some hairstyles, like braids and knots.

DIY beach hair spray recipe

DIY Sea Salt Texture Spray in Action

My hair is naturally on the curly side and can be frizzy, so I need to use a hair product in addition to the spray to keep the frizz under control. The spray added some nice volume for me though.

I wet my daughter’s baby-fine hair with the salt spray, then scrunched her hair with my hands, and it added some cute waves and texture:

DIY texture spray

DIY salt spray for hair

Beach wave spray diy

DIY Texture Spray Tips & Final Thoughts

If the hair is really thick, you might want to tweak the spray to be a bit heavier by adding more salt, but I would start with it as written and go from there.

We recommend using high quality, pure essential oils in your DIY sea salt spray for the best results. You can add your favorite essential oils, or you may want to use one of the following for their proven effects on hair:

If you want to get some essential oils into your life, and want all the support and education of my team, then let’s get going! Just click HERE to get your intro kit and I’ll send you a free goody bag full of samples of my fave products too! 🙂

Make your own DIY sea salt beach waves texture spray recipe

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DIY Sea Salt Beach Waves Texture Spray


  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1-2 teaspoons coconut oil (go with less if you have naturally oily hair)
  • 1 tablesppon aloe vera


  1. Mixing Directions:

  2. Combine seas salt, coconut oil, aloe vera and warm water
  3. Stir until everything is mixed well and the salt is dissolved
  4. Mix in 5 drops of your favorite high quatliy essential oil
  5. Store in a glass spray bottle for easy application
  6. Applications Instructions:

  7. Spray mixture all over hair while it's damp
  8. Scrunch with hands and let air dry!
Types: Remedies, Adult, Baby, Kids, Teen
Categories: Beauty, Essential Oils, Frugal, Natural, Summer


  • That’s pretty awesome! Those name brand sprays can be pricey. Does it still leave the hair soft? or a bit crunchy like hairspray?

    • I think the hair stays pretty soft, but I suppose it would also depend on how much you use. It adds some grit, which is great for a gripping texture. You could add more salt for even more texture.

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