How to get rid of urine smell in bathroom

How to Eliminate Urine Smell in the Bathroom

Frugal Living|Wise|#StayHome Resources
How to Get Rid of Toilet Odor For Good If you've got boys, then you are probably familiar with that underlying funky smell in their bathroom. And what can be discouraging is that no matter how much you scrub, you can't eliminate that urine smell for more than a few hours. I got fed up with it enough to do some research to figure out a solution that will work! What I found is something that leaves the bathroom looking AND smelling clean! If you have a smelly pee odor in your... Read this post
Eating healthy on a budget

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget (15 Tips)

Frugal Living|Healthy
Eating healthy on a budget can be a challenge because nutritious food can be expensive. However, just because you have a tight budget doesn't mean you have to settle for food that isn't healthy. You just have to be a bit smarter with your shopping. As... Read this post
Person holding a present

Christmas On a Budget: 9 Tips to Stop Overspending

Frugal Living|Gifts|Christmas
Does this sound familiar? You have the list of people you need to buy for. Then you either can't figure out what to buy, or you go crazy and overbuy. You end up with "STUFF" just to have something to give. It's enjoyed for an hour or two and ends up... Read this post

Amazon Prime Big Deal Days 2024: Here’s Your Ultimate Expert Guide to the Action

Frugal Living|Wealthy|Coupon Tips
Bookmark our Amazon Prime Day 2024 Deals database to save you a ton of time! We post only the very best Amazon Prime Day deals!  When is Amazon Prime Day 2024? Amazon will host a Prime Big Deal Days sale on October 8 and 9, 2024. See some FAVE... Read this post
Coffee filter hacks

10 Clever Uses for Coffee Filters

Frugal Living
Even if you're not a coffee drinker, keeping coffee filters on hand can be a smart idea! Take a look at all these Clever Uses for Coffee Filters! After researching an entire post on coffee filter crafts, I quickly discovered that there were SO... Read this post

Top 10 Things People Waste Money On

Frugal Living|Wise
Do you have a goal to spend less money or to increase your savings? If you do, you will need to pay more attention to how you're spending your money! A lot of the time we waste money on things we don't really need without realizing it. Are You Wasting... Read this post
What to do with old jeans

How to Recycle Old Jeans (+15 Easy Craft Ideas)

Frugal Living|Wise|#StayHome Resources
Jeans can be repaired, handed down, and worn again and again, but there comes a point when it is just time to do something more! If you're wondering what to do with old jeans, you've come to the right place. I have a big pile of jeans that... Read this post
Amazon subscribe and save deals and tips and tricks

Amazon Subscribe and Save Deals, Tips & Tricks

Frugal Living|Wise|#StayHome Resources
Amazon Subscribe and Save FAQ Want to save big on common household items and food? Then you need Amazon Subscribe and Save in your life! Keep reading to learn some great tips on how to manage your order. And if you need some current Amazon subscribe... Read this post
Household hacks to save money, time, and space

11 Household Hacks to Save Money, Time, and Space

Frugal Living|Wise|#StayHome Resources
11 Ways to Save Time, Money, and Space Around Your Home I get it! You are always trying to be superwoman and let's be honest you are doing great! But sometimes we have too many things to get done and we either don't have the time, the money, or the... Read this post
Bad money habits

10 Bad Money Habits That Will Keep You Broke

Frugal Living|Wise|#StayHome Resources
10 Bad Financial Habits That Could Be Holding You Back Depending on how you were raised and how you've learned to treat money, you may have picked up some bad money habits over the years. That's completely normal, but if you don't recognize those habits... Read this post

Save Money with Discount Gift Cards! 100% Guaranteed!

Frugal Living|Wise
  How to Get Discount Gift Cards & Gift Card Deals Lately, I've been focusing on getting all my Christmas shopping done, and I want to share how I save big, before I put a single thing in my cart! You probably already use coupons and cashback... Read this post
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