25 Funny Valentine’s Day Cards You’ll LOL At

Best Valentines cards

Valentine’s Day is a special day to not only celebrate with our significant others but also our friends. And, while getting a romantic card is wonderful, sometimes adding a bit of humor makes things even better!

If you want to put a smile on the faces of those who mean the most to you, check out the absolutely HILARIOUS Valentine’s Day cards below. They’ll have you laughing until you cry!

PS: If you’re looking for ideas more suited toward the classroom, check out our DIY Valentine’s Day crafts and homemade cards and our DIY Valentine’s Day box ideas for school!

Hilarious Valentine’s Day Cards for Couples

Ok, we have some funny Valentine’s Day cards for friends further below these, but a lot of these “couple” cards would work with friends too! I recommend looking through them all as they’ll give you a good laugh anyway!

1. I am Yours. No Refunds!

I am yours - No refunds

Haha! Telling it how it is. This is super cute and funny.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

2. You Chew Loud and I Still Like You

You chew loud and I still like you.

I know a lot of you will relate to this one! Fun fact: there’s a disorder called misophonia that can cause a strong dislike or hatred of specific sounds. If you have it, this card could be very suiting!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

3. You’ve Stolen a Pizza My Heart

You've stolen a pizza my heart

Pair this funny card with our delicious homemade zucchini pizza crust recipe and you’ll win Valentine’s Day for sure!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

4. I Love You With All Of My Butt

I love you with all of my butt (I would say heart but my butt is bigger)

Bahaha! This is a really silly one but it definitely had me laughing!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

5. I Love You Even Though You Hog All the Bed

I love you...even though you hog all the bed

This one is TOO relatable!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

6. I Love You More Than Tacos

I love you more than tacos

Now THAT’S true love. Just like the pizza card above, you could pair this card with our oven-baked tacos for a taco-filled Valentine’s Day!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

7. Let’s Taco Bout How Much I Love You

Let's taco bout how much I love you

I saw this one after looking at the card above and I had to include it. Both are so good!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

8. The Cheesiest Card

If you’re going to get a cheesy card, it better be this one!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

9. You Abducted My Heart!

Have an alien-obsessed significant other? Pair this card with some alien movies and have an out of this world Valentine’s Day!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

10. You Guac My World

Avocados seem to be all the rage these days so this punny card should be perfect for many friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

11. If You Were a Bogey…

If you were a bogey, I'd pick you

The person who made this card somehow managed to make boogers cute and I absolutely love it! What an adorable, silly, and funny card.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

12. Baby, Yoda One For Me!

Baby, Yoda one for me!

With the Mandalorian just being released and the Baby Yoda internet craze, this card has perfect timing! Plus, it’s adorable and extremely clever.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

13. I Love You Like Dobby Loves Socks

Perfect for your Harry Potter loving girlfriend or boyfriend! Pair it with a Harry Potter-themed gift and you’ll be set.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

14. I Whale Always Love You

This one is more on the cute and romantic side but it’s still punny! Perfect for all whale lovers.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

15. You Are One in a Melon

Sometimes simple humor and a bit of romance are all you need in a good card!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

16. Cow Card

I love you like a cow loves not being a burger

This one is too funny! Would it be wrong to serve some juicy burgers for dinner after giving this to your valentine? Probably.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

17. This May Sound Cheesy…

This may sound CHEESY but I think you're really GRATE

A great food pun and hilarious visuals make this card one of my favorites!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

18. Sitting in Silence

There's no one I'd rather sit in silence and be on my phone with

This one is almost a bit TOO relatable sometimes. It would work great to give to friends too.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

19. Thanks for Not Being Another Weirdo on the Internet


If it’s your first Valentine’s Day with someone you met on a dating site or app, this card couldn’t be more relevant and funny!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

20. Roses Are Red…

Roses are red, skies gleam blue, you fart every night, and I still love you

That’s not how you were expecting that poem to finish, were you? This might be the perfect card for a gassy husband!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

Funny Valentine’s Day Cards for Friends

If you’re looking for cards that you can hand out to your friends this Valentine’s Day, here are some additional ideas. You can, of course, give these to your significant other as well though! They work great for all types of relationships.

21. You Donut Know How Much You Mean to Me

Another punny one and the face on the donut makes me laugh out loud! Pair this card with a real donut and you’ll have the happiest friend in the world.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

22. You Are My Swolemate

Your gym buddies probably aren’t expecting you to get them a Valentine’s Day card so they’ll burst out laughing when they see this one. That’s a guarantee.

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

23. Besteas for Life

Do you have a friend you always drink tea with? If so there’s no better card to get for them than this one!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

24. High Maintenance

Some might say you're high maintenance. But so is a BMW. Happy Valentine's Day!

This one would be great to give to the high maintenance friend in your life. It’s a funny way to give a compliment!

Click here to see this card on Etsy.

25. Shrimply the Best

This one is so simple but with the pun plus the hilarious looking little shrimp, it’s sure to get a laugh from your friend!

Click here to see this card on Amazon.

Where to Find More Funny Valentine’s Day Cards

Above are some of the best Valentine’s cards we could find, but if you none of them stood out to you, don’t worry! There are a ton of other hilarious Valentine’s Day cards that you can find on Etsy for very reasonable prices. You can also check Amazon for cards!

Which funny Valentine’s Day card on this list is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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Funny Valentines day cards

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