Pringles Can Windsocks


I thought the kids would enjoy making these.  They were pretty simple, and you can adjust how you make them with what you have on hand.  I didn’t have a bunch of ribbons, so we used strips of tissue paper instead.  We also didn’t do the rubbing alcohol technique to blend the colors, as the kids chose to decorate them in a way that wouldn’t really work so well for that.  We don’t really have a good spot to hang them, but the kids don’t mind.  My 3 year old drags hers around like it is a puppy!


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Pringles cans

Sharpee markers in various colors

Ribbons or strips of tissue paper or streamers


Aluminium foil

Rubbing alcohol (if you want the colors to run and blend together)

Dropper for alcohol


Cut a piece of foil to the size of the can.

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Let the kiddos decorate it with the markers.  If you want to have the colors run, place a few drops of alcohol on colored spots, and let run.  Alcohol will evaporate as it dries.  We didn’t do this step.

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Roll around can and tape into place, pressing the excess foil into the inside of the can.

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Attach your streamers either buy punching holes in the can and tying them on, or just taping them to the inside of the can.

Find a place to let them fly!

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