Package Sizes Really Are Shrinking!

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If you think that the packages of your favorite ice cream have gotten smaller, you are probably right. As manufacturers deal with rising costs, they are looking for creative ways to make a profit. Although Shrinkflation is not a new concept, it is rising at an incredible rate.

What is Shrinkflation?

Let’s say you make and sell candies. The cost of your supplies goes up, but you don’t want to raise prices for your customers. The only other way to compensate is to make your packages smaller. Your customers don’t have to pay a higher price for the product, but they also don’t get as many candies as they previously did.

How common is Shrinkflation?

In the last few months, there have been a lot of changes in package sizes from many companies. Tillamook Ice Cream packages are now 1.5 qt instead of 1.75 qt, a small box of Kleenex now has 60 tissues, instead of 65, Chobani Flips are now 4.5 ounces instead of 5.3, and a Party Size bag of Fritos Scoops is now 15.5 ounces instead of 18 ounces, just to name a few.

When you are out shopping, remember to compare the “price per ounce” on items, instead of just the price overall. You can do this by diving the total price by the number of ounces in the package. So an 18 ounce bag of Fritos Scoops that is priced at $4.99, would cost $0.28 per ounce. As always, check out our deals page to find the best deals on the items you need.

Read the full article HERE.

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Categories: Food, Household Essentials, Shopping for Her, Shopping For Him, Shopping For Kids, Shopping For Teens

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