My Valentine’s Day Menu

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Valentine’s Day Menu

This menu involved pie and simplicity. What more can a girl ask for, really? See at the heart of it I have this overwhelming desire to be this rock star of a mom, but at the core of it I don’t have the time/energy/creativity to be Martha Stewart incarnate. So I simplify everything and eliminate the bells and whistles because it works for me.

1. I Heart You French Toast: Make french toast. Rummage around in your utensil drawer until you’ve located last year’s heart-shaped cookie cutter. Place it on a piece of french toast, then sprinkle powdered sugar inside the cutter. Wallah. Love Toast.

2. Hearty Eggs: Crack eggs into metal heart cookie cutter in small sauce pan and cook until white jiggly bits stop being jiggly.

3. Good-Till-the-Last-Bite Strawberry Pie: Bake frozen pie crust. While crust is baking, microwave frozen bag of strawberries until mashable, mash to desired chunky consistency & set aside (for a sweeter pie, you can add sugar to the strawberries at this stage. We’re dealing w/ a diabetic over here, so we don’t). Dissolve one small box of strawberry (or raspberry) Jell-O (we use sugar-free) into 1/3 cup boiling water. Mix Jell-O/water  w/ crushed strawberries & pour into now-baked pie shell. Refrigerate until solid. Serve w/ whipped cream.

4. Tickle Me Pink Smoothie: Throw some fruit, yogurt and juice in a blender. (I also love to use my immersion blender for this recipe.) Blend. Pour into glasses and garnish w/strawberries.

And there you have my Valentine’s Day Menu. What’s on yours? We will be going out to dinner as a family, so I’ll serve up the pie when we get home, but we have several great Valentine’s Day recipes to give you some lunch and dinner inspiration as well!

Don’t miss the Homemade Valentine’s Crafts and DIY projects we have been working on and also all of our Non-Candy Alternatives which will be fun for the kids’ Valentine’s Day parties!

Meal Type: Valentine's Day
Categories: Smoothies

Comments & Reviews

  • I was planning heart shaped pancakes with warm strawberry jam for dinner and pink milk. Since its a weekday my daughter will have a party and food for breakfast and lunch at daycare, so the only meal I really take care of is dinner.

  • I would mix some cooked rhubarb into that strawberry pie. YUM!

  • Oh no, Winco posts were my favorite. 🙁

  • I too will miss the Winco posts, but on the other hand will look forward to your meal planning posts.

  • I,too, will miss your WINCO posts. I always make homemade heart shaped sugar cookies with lots of cinnamon oil in my butter frosting.

  • No WINCO here, but absolutely loving the new topic. I love and can be rather creative, but honestly … I usually just don’t feel up to it, but this seems right up my alley and very doable for our family, kids included (plus I gain “cool Mom” points for letting them help).

  • Thanks for continuing the Winco match up’s. That is wonderful. AND I love the way you wrote out your “recipes;” i.e. microwave frozen strawberries until mashable… that is so the way I cook! Thanks, for the ideas on what we could cook from the pantry. I absolutely love this site. In fact, it is the only coupon site I ever go to any more. You all ARE FABulous!

  • Why can’t you do shopping AND planning with the fabs? You’ll be doing the shopping anyway, and if you only go with the planning part we’ll eventually run out of things to make cuz you didn’t keep telling us what to buy. We’ll end up with empty pantries, and our families will starve while you keep on showing us how to cook the stuff you didn’t tell us how to buy….oh boy, I see a coupon apocolypse afoot…or at the very least a site rebellion…

  • Not sure if I can post a link in my comment but I came across this new cereal from Quaker today called “Whole Heart”. I think it’s perfect for Valentine’s Day! Slightly sweetened heart shaped cereal (very similar to Cheerios). It’s on sale at Albertson’s this week 2/$6 get a catalina when you purchase 2 (can’t remember if it’s $1 or $2 cat). Not a super price but perfect for the holiday!

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