11 Air Fryer Cake Recipes You Didn’t Know You Can Make

Can You Bake Cake in the Air Fryer?

Yes, you most definitely can! If this is news to you, then you will LOVE these air fryer cake recipes. (If its not news, you’ll still love these recipes). I love to make cake in the air fryer because it is easy, crispy, and perfectly moist. Plus, when I bake in my air fryer I can easily check the progress and temperature to make sure my cakes are done to perfection. Check out my air fryer temp guide to get the right temperature for you cake and other baked goods! 

If you are celebrating Valentine’s Day this weekend with someone or yourself, you will want to add one of these cakes to your menu! Because these air fryer cakes are some of the best cakes ever from scratch.

11 Air Fryer Cake Recipes

1. The Best Air Fryer Molten Lava Cake

I love this air fryer molten lava cake because it is full of chocolatey goodness and is extremely easy to make! Plus, the cakes are so adorable!

2. Air Fryer Chocolate Cake

This air fryer chocolate cake is a crowd pleaser! You will love this one because of how creamy and simple it is! The secret ingredient? Sour cream!

3. Air Fryer Lemon Cake

If you are a lemon cake fan, then this air fryer lemon cake will be your new favorite! You only need 7 ingredients, and I guarantee you already have them all.

4. Air Fryer Banana Bundt Cake

This air fryer banana cake is like eating heaven! It is so moist and you only need the most basic ingredients to enjoy this air fryer cake!

5. Air Fryer Angel Food Cake

I love angel food cake, it is such a sweet, moist cake that reminds me of summer with my family. Now, with this air fryer angel food cake recipe you can enjoy the taste of summer anytime of the year!

Can you make cake in the air fryer? Yes! And you will love these 11 simple air fryer cake recipes because they are tasty and so easy!

6. Air Fryer Gluten Free Chocolate Lava Cake

If you need a gluten free air fryer cake, then you will want to try this gluten free chocolate lava cake! You will love this one because you wouldn’t even know it is gluten free!

7. Air Fryer Lemon Pound Cake

This lemon pound cake in the air fryer is so creamy and moist, you might end up eating it all in one sitting.

8. Chocolate Cake Mix Mug Cake in the Air Fryer

If you are craving a cake for one, then you will enjoy savoring this air fryer chocolate mug cake. And as a bonus, you don’t need any oil or eggs!

9. Air Fryer Keto Chocolate Cake

Craving a cake but enjoying a keto lifestyle? No worries! You will love this air fryer keto chocolate cake because it is the easiest way to satisfy your cravings!

10. Air Fryer Funnel Cake

Bring home the fair with this air fryer funnel cake. You will love this one because it tastes like the real deal, but is WAY healthier than what you’ll find at the fair!

11. Air Fryer Box Cake

If you want to try a basic, stress-free air fryer cake, then start with this air fryer box cake recipe. This recipe is easy to follow, and perfect for the times when you want some cake, but don’t want to go through all the effort of making one!

Final Thoughts

If you can make cake in the air fryer, you can make just about anything! That’s why I love cooking with my air fryer– it has make cooking so much easier and fun. I love being creative in the kitchen! I also love sharing these recipes with you. Which air fryer cake recipe are you excited to try?

You will love these air fryer cakes because they are so delicious and easy to make

Did you know you make these desserts in the air fryer too?

Master Air Fryer Cooking with These Guides:

Meal Type: Desserts, Recipe Roundup, Spring, Summer, Valentine's Day, Winter
Categories: Cakes and Cupcakes, Air Fryer

Comments & Reviews

  • Ever since I got my Air Fryer some 5 weeks ago I have tried so many of your recipes and at 71 years old keeps my brain alive. So now as a present I have bought my ex wife (best friend) Ann Air Fryer and recommended that she follows you. Many thanks from England. Regards Ray

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