Storing Your Stockpile in Outside Storage Areas: WINTER
Ahhh the mornings are becoming cooler, it is getting darker earlier in the evening, Winter is coming!
I have been getting e-mails from some of you Discount Queens regarding stockpile storage and how to utilize outside storage areas, so I figured I would bring my answer out here for everyone. Be sure to Pin this on Pinterest and share with some of your friends who may have outside storage areas.
Are you one of those people, like me, who has to utilize and outside storage building to hold some of your stockpile? It can be a pain sometimes knowing what to store where, right?
For me – the outside storage I use is very basic, meaning no insulation, no heat, pretty much just a few pieces of wood holding it together! 🙂 Some of you may have a heated shed/garage so this list can be different for you.
One thing to keep in mind when using outdoor storage is critters like mice. Eeek. I HATE mice. Just in case you have these little guys around, it’s a good idea to keep a few set traps in your storage area. They will be attracted to items like your pet food or your paper products for nesting material.
I have compiled a list to help you figure out whether your stockpile items should be stored inside or out during cool Winter months.
Paper Products
Powdered Detergents
Liquid Dishsoap (I store soap like Dawn outside, it will become clumpy/cloudy while in the freezing temps, but will be fine once thawed.)
Shampoos/Conditioners (Same thing as above, will get lumpy but will thaw fine.)
Seasoning Packets
Cake Decorating Items (e.g. Sprinkles)
Bar Soap
Liquid Hand Soap (Same as Dawn above)
Pet Food
Cat Litter
Canned Coffee
Office Supplies (e.g. Printer Paper)
Dryer Sheets
Aluminum Foil
Ziploc/Hefty Bags
Dental Items (e.g. floss, toothbrush, toothpaste)
Sanitizer (Won’t freeze but bottle could become brittle)
Flour/Rice (As long as it is in an airtight container)
Pill form Medications (e.g. Tylenol)
Candies/Chocolate Items
Bags/Boxes of Pasta *If there are no critter issues*
Aerosol Products
Liquid Detergents (Will get clumpy and having used frozen/thawed detergent, it will lose it’s effectiveness)
Canned/ Bottled Beverages
Condiments (e.g. BBQ Sauce)
Canned Goods (The liquid inside will freeze, causing can to bulge, possible seam leaks)
Boxed Food (e.g. Cereal)
Glass Food Items (e.g. Pickles)
Cleaning Products (e.g. Windex)
Baby Wipes
Saran Wrap
Baking Items (Sugar, Cake Mixes, Frosting)
Hair Care (e.g. Gel or Hairspray)
Bleach (if you live an area where it gets down to 20°F or below it will freeze)
Cough Syrup and other liquid Medications
Chapstick/Lip Balm
Have other items you would like to know about or something else you would like to see here – leave a comment below or email me at!
Don’t forget to pin this on Pinterest! Be sure to follow the Discount Queens on Pinterest.
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Storing my dental products, paper products and shampoos will help me save a lot of room indoors. I did not realize I could put personal care products in the outdoor shed.
Yay!! Glad this helped you Anne!!
We also need to know what can be stored in outside storage in summer this does winter
You should be fine on all your dry, non-perishable items, of course. Depending on the climate where you live, you might have to be more selective about canned goods… extreme heat and humidity could do some damage I would think.
This put my mind at ease on a lot of things and has me panicking about few others lol. Aerosol and liquid detergent I thought would be fine! What about bleach? I have to bring some items in soon it hasn’t been below 30 degrees yet think I’ve ruined anything Yet? I keep everything out there :/ Thank you so much for list!!
You are welcome!
Oh, and I would bring your bleach inside as well. Great question!
how about automotive cleaning products like waxes, window cleaners, wheel cleaners, leather wipes etc.
I would bring all that stuff inside. It could freeze, and that might change the efficacy. Great questions!
What about storing stuff in a shed where it is very hot (TX)? I have so much shampoos, body washes, dental items, lotions, and running out of room inside, so was wondering about it in the heat outside if that would work?
That is a tough one! Some things like body washes and shampoos cannot take that kind of heat. Be sure to read the labels and see what they can take. Maybe I would take some of the things inside that can handle the heat and move them outside so you can have more room inside!
We are setting up an outdoor food pantry at our Church- winter in Wisconsin! Any ideas on best food items?
No heat!