52 Weeks of Pinterest: Week 13 – Rolo Stuffed Ritz Crackers!

This year I wanted to go with a resolution I would have no problem sticking to! Then as I was pinning an item on Pinterest, a light bulb flashed on above my head. Ok, maybe not literally, but this great idea popped into my head. Those of us who are Pinterest users know that we pin hundreds of things a week, but do we ever do them? So I decided this year I would do one of my pins every week. At the moment, 52 weeks of Pinterest was born. Each week I will do something I found on Pinterest rather it be a craft, new recipe, organizing technique, or whatever!

This week I went for a pin for our Desserts Board – Rolo Stuffed Ritz Crackers!




What you will need:

Ritz Crackers
Rolo Candies
Cookie Sheet

I feel this post needs some kind of disclaimer like — WARNING These little pieces of heaven are highly addicting. There you have been warned. 🙂

Preheat your oven to 350° and start unwrapping all of those Rolo candies. Unwrapping the candies is the longest process in this whole recipe.

Once you have your Rolo candies unwrapped, take your Ritz crackers and lay them on a cookie sheet, salty side down. Place your Rolo candies in the center of your Ritz crackers.

After you have all of your Rolo Candies on your Ritz crackers, place your cookie sheet in the oven for about 3 minutes. The Rolo candies will look super soft but they still have their shape. Remove them from the oven and grab some more Ritz crackers.

Place a Ritz cracker on top of each melting Rolo and push gently but just enough to make a sandwich. After just a few minutes of cooling, yet the chocolate and caramel are still gooey – pop one in your mouth and your life will be changed. It’s amazing I promise.

Let them cool enough so the chocolate and caramel start to harden again. Once that is done, throw them in a Ziploc bag or container and store at room temperature. I tried to store them in the fridge and they got really hard.


Everyone who tried these — LOVED them. They are so dang good. My favorite part though is you can make as few or as many as you would like in this simple recipe.

My husband took some to work with him and the guys there loved them! They also all came up with the idea to try Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I will try it, just to hush them, but I am afraid they won’t “glue” the crackers together. Anyone have a thought on this?

Make sure to pin this to Pinterest to save for later! If you are not following us on Pinterest, make sure to do so now so you don’t miss out on some great pins!

Hope you enjoyed Week 13 of 52 Weeks of Pinterest, come back next Saturday for another attempted pin!If you don’t want to wait a week for a new pin idea, checkout our DIY posts, there are some great ideas there as well!

Categories: Home


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