Top 5 Reasons You Need Freezer Meal Cooking in Your Life
I have a confession… I have never been good at meal planning. Thinking about what to make for dinner has never been a joy to me. Maybe you’re like me?
Does this sound familiar?
5:30 pm. Child or husband asks, “What’s for dinner?”
Enter panic.
Possible immediate response: “I don’t know – what are you making?”
Enter eye roll.
Said person heads to pantry, orders Doordash, or goes to pick up fast food.
Top 5 Ways Freezer Meal Cooking Will Save the Day
Even the best meal planners have nights where things fall apart and dinner doesn’t get on the table. No one’s perfect, right!? OR for those who don’t enjoy cooking, it’d be better to set aside a Saturday afternoon and make a bunch of meals during a time that works for you!
But why would anyone even consider spending a large chunk of hours in the kitchen making a bunch of dinners? I’ve 5 compelling reasons for you to consider!
#1 – You Will Save Money
- You’ll save a LOT of money since you’ll no longer be ordering fast food on busy nights or paying for those convenience foods at the store that are still expensive and unhealthy.
- You’ll be buying in bulk, which can lower your grocery bill! Take it a step further and get together with some friends to do a freezer meal cooking day and you’ll likely even save more money!
- You’ll shop less too! No more last minute runs to the grocery store to grab an ingredient you’re missing for regular dinner prep!
The first time I got together with friends to do freezer meals, I paid only $85 for 12 meals. That’s an average of $7 per meal for my family. These are nice meals too, like BBQ Chicken Pizza with fresh cilantro, Calzones, Manicotti, and Chicken Enchiladas to name a few. AND we had leftovers nearly every night!
#2 – You Will Save Time
Freezer Cooking is PERFECT for busy families, empty nesters, college kids, families with little toddlers… so pretty much everyone! Since you’re prepping in bulk, you’ll spend less time :
- grocery shopping (see 3rd bullet point above)
- cooking and preparing meat and chicken
- peeling and chopping veggies
- and HELLO…. less time spent cleaning the kitchen!
Because instead of doing these things several times a week, you’ll be doing them just a few times per month, if you utilize your freezer meals!
#3 – Save Your Brain Power (aka sanity)!
Ever heard of “decision fatigue”? It’s a thing! So take a few less thought processes out of your day by utilizing freezer meals!
Would you rather… every single night think about what you’re going to eat for dinner, double check to make sure you have everything you need, determine what time you need to start dinner, juggle kids/homework/activities/rides all while trying to get dinner on the table.
OR, would you like to decide which meal to pull out of your freezer, and throw it in the oven or slow cooker?
Maybe you’re great at menu planning. Even better! You’ll be able to look at the week ahead and determine which night(s) is extra busy and use a freezer meal for that night!
#4 – Save Your Health
When you set a chunk of time aside to prep your freezer meals, you are very intentional about the meals you make! You won’t be rushed, you won’t be stressed. You’ll be ready to cook and you can select meals that your family will love and that meet your health needs!
When you’re tired and rushed and stressed on a busy weeknight, you are less likely to make a healthy dinner for your family. Instead, you’re pulling out processed food that is “quick and easy”, or even worse, grabbing unhealthy fast food!
#5 – Save the Day for Someone Else
It’s pretty awesome to have enough freezer meals in my freezer to give to others that could use it!
How often do you learn about a friend, family member, or fellow church member that is struggling with something heavy… being able to whip up a meal for them! OR you could even give them a few freezer meals so they can decide the best time to use it!
Some Favorite Freezer Cooking Recipes
You can view all our freezer meals here where you’ll find a huge variety of different options. There are healthy recipes, quick ones, easy ones, and of course, they’re all delicious ones!
20 Freezer Meals in 3 Hours
I’ve compiled 20 awesome freezer meals that you can put together in 3 hours or less. ALL the instructions you need to do this are included!
You will be able to:
- customize the number of servings of each recipe to fit your families size
- create a customized shopping list in SECONDS
- import your shopping list into the Walmart grocery app… all you’ll need to do is schedule your pickup time!
Sound too good to be true?
It’s all yours, if you want it! Go HERE to learn more!
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