Easy DIY Washi Tape Canvas

This is a quick decoration I whipped up in about 15 minutes. You know of my love for washi tape…I’d had this idea for a while and decided to try it out. Here is all you need:

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First I picked out the washi tape I wanted to use. I lined it up to make sure I had enough colors and I put it in the order I wanted to place it on the canvas.  I’ve gotten a lot of my washi tape at Target (on clearance) and from daily deal sites (like Pick your Plum). When I see it on sale, I grab it and keep it in my stock pile so I have it when inspiration .

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Now you just place the tape on the canvas. Make sure you place it straight. It is pretty forgiving and you can pull it up and straighten it if you need to. I had the canvas in my stash. Like the washi tape, when I see things for a good price I buy them and save them. {I got this one in Boise at craft warehouse for $3 and have it sitting around for a few years!}

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I wrapped it around the back about an inch on each side. Next you place your quote on it. I had my wonderful sister in law cut it for me. I needed it bigger than my Silhouette cuts, so I had her cut it with her machine. I bought the quote in the Silhouette shape store.  I thought it was the perfect quote to go next to my Instagram boards I made.

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Center your vinyl quote on your board. I think it would be cute with out the quote too, it adds a big pop of color to the wall.

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Vinyl doesn’t usually stick good to canvas, but with the washi tape it stays on pretty good.

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I have found it is easiest to go at an angle when removing the transfer tape, like in the picture above.

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After I get the transfer paper off, I always place the backing over the vinyl and rub over it with the squeegee to make sure the vinyl is adhered.

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I should have not put the blue washi tape on, so note to self next time skip the same color of washi tape as vinyl you are using.

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Types: Crafts
Categories: Frugal


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