Do it Yourself Vapor Shower Disks!! Only THREE Ingredients!!

I used to love those vapor rub disks that Vicks used to make a while back. I haven’t been able to find them in years! Luckily, I came across an awesome Pin on Pinterest…Homemade Vicks Shower Disks. Her idea is fantastic! The only problem? She uses essential oils. This wouldn’t be a problem normally but I didn’t have the oils she was using. SO, I used what I had; a jar of chest rub!

Here’s your ingredient list:


The first thing you’re going to do is fill a mug with water and put it in your microwave. Heat it up so that its hot but not boiling. I did mine for two minutes.

Once your hot water is ready, take a teaspoon full of your chest rub and add it to your water.

Watch the rub melt away!

You will start smelling the vapor at this point. You can decide if you want to add a little more of the rub if you want a stronger vapor. I added another teaspoon because I made quite a big batch! Now, pour your mug of vapor water into a bowl and add your baking soda over it.

I did it the other way around at first (baking soda then water) but found that I had to keep adding more and more baking soda because I had too much water. It’s easier to add a tiny bit of water instead of tons of baking soda to get the right texture! You want your combination to turn to a paste.

Once you have a toothpaste like consistency, you can pour it into your silicone molds or your lined cupcake tins.

Now that your vapor mixture is poured. Let it sit! The Pin says to let it sit for 12-18 hours. I let mine sit for 12 and they were still a bit squishy. Try to let them sit out for the full 18. DO NOT bake these! I cannot tell you what  would happen if you heat them! Since we are using the actual vapor rub, we can’t tell how it would act if it was heated like that.

Once your disks are solid, they’re ready to use!

Simply take one into the shower with you and let it melt under the water. The shower will fill with the awesome vapors of the rub while the disk just melts away!

I can tell you I was so relaxed after smelling the vapors while making these that I actually fell asleep right after!! That might not mean anything to most of you but it’s pretty much a miracle for me! 🙂

I hope you’ve enjoyed our take on this do it yourself! Please remember to share, like, tweet, and pin this post! Follow us too at Pinterest!


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