DIY Sand Bowl

sandbowlWe recently took a family vacation to the Oregon Coast.  It was my kids first time seeing the ocean.

I just knew that they were going to come back with a lot of keepsakes from the shores πŸ˜‰

I thought what a better way to keep all that fun stuff than with a sand bowl.

Here is how you can make your own…

What you will need:
Saran Wrap
Mixing bucket
Craft stick
work surface

Lets get messy!!! πŸ˜€
DSC_0004-005First cover the bottom of your bowl with the saran wrap.
Smooth it out as much as you like.
Whatever is not smoothed will leave an impression in your sand.

DSC_0005-005Put your sand in a throw away bucket, squirt the glue and stir with your craft stick.
You are going to want it thick but pour-able.  I had to add glue, stir and add more glue.
I just eye-balled the amount of sand and had to add more.
{Your hands get messy!}

DSC_0006-005After your sand is the right consistency pour the sand onto the bottom of the bowl.
Use your hand and spread the sand to cover the bowl completely.

DSC_0007-005Let it dry for 3 hours.  After it has sat put a layer of glue over the now bottom of your sand bowl.  Let it sit overnight.


After it has sat overnight add another layer of glue and let sit to dry.

Once dry remove the sand bowl from the bottom of your bowl and then peel off the saran wrap.

The bottom of my bowl on the inside was still a little wet so I smoothed out the sand, added some glue and let dry overnight.

I smoothed out the edges a little and called it good.

I loved how it turned out and it is the perfect spot for all our fun treasures! πŸ˜€

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