DIY Lava “Lamp”! Four Ingredients is all it takes!

Easter’s over but that doesn’t mean the fun has to be! Parents, you’re going to LOVE doing this simple and EASY Lava Lamp project with your little ones. All it takes to make it are a few easy to find (mostly in your kitchen) items and a few minutes of your time. Ready?

DIY Lava Lamp

Here’s what you need:

  • Plastic or glass bottle
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Water
  • Food Coloring
  • Alka-Seltzer (knock offs work too)
  • Optional: Glitter

Choose a clear plastic or glass bottle to use as your “lamp”. You may want to make sure you use a smaller bottle as  your main ingredient is your vegetable oil.

Place your bottle into a sink filled with warm soapy water if you need to get rid of a label. Leave it to soak for several hours. Once the water is cooled, simply peel the label right off.

Once your bottle is clear and easy to see through, fill it 3/4 full with vegetable oil.


Next, fill your bottle the rest of the way with water. Least an inch of headspace at the top of the bottle.

IMG_8135Now, add at least 8-10 drops of any colored food coloring.

IMG_8136After a few seconds, you will see the food coloring drop to the bottom of the bottle.

IMG_8137Now you’re ready to add your “magic ingredient”; your Alka-Seltzer.

Break your Alka-Seltzer up into a few pieces before you drop it into your water. One piece at a time is all you need to get the lava moving!

IMG_8138Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, let the fun begin!


That’s all there is too it! I did add a tiny bit of glitter to make it all a bit sparkly. 🙂

Since you can’t add a light to this, it kind of defeats the purpose of calling it a lamp. But, when I have a little time, I think I’m going to paint one side of the bottle with glow in the dark paint. Once it’s “charged” the lava display is going to have the “lamp” effect and be that much more spectacular! YAY!

I hope your kids enjoy the fun!

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