5 Milk Bands Worth $34.95 FREE- Just pay $14.95 Shipping!

1499 days ago | The links in the post below may be affiliate links. Read the full disclosure

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These Milk Bands make a great gift for an expectant mother or for yourself if you are nursing!  Use coupon code MILKBANDS35 to save $35 at checkout and pay only the $14.95 in shipping! Add 6 of the $6.99 bands to your cart.

5 Milk Bands $14.95 SHIPPED (Reg. $39.95)

Use coupon code MILKBANDS35 to save $35 at checkout and pay only the $14.95 in shipping!

As a mom who has nursed these would have been a complete life saver for me, especially in the first few days after welcoming a new little bundle.  All too often I would forget to keep track of which side or how long I fed for last and honestly I rarely thought to write it down.  Plus, these come in a huge variety of colors to choose from so you can choose your favorites or get a variety to match your outfits!

  • Give your nursing journal a rest! Throw away your safety pins and stickers! Quit juggling objects from wrist to wrist! Stop relying on imperfect memory!
  • Milk Bands™ are a uniquely designed nursing bracelet that enables the mother to quickly and conveniently identify which breast she last used to feed her baby by simply turning the bracelet inside-out!
  • These Milk Bands™ breastfeeding bracelets have time measuring sliders that can be used for multiple purposes such as tracking how long your baby fed or what time!
  • Milk Bands™ work regardless of which wrist they are worn on and are so easy to use it only takes one hand!
  • Our breastfeeding bracelet works in the dark and can be worn during any and all activities!
  • When the time comes, Milk Bands™ can be used to help you wean your baby!
  • Let Milk Bands™ keep track of the basics so you can worry about more important things!
  • Product material contains 100% silicone.

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Brand/Store: Mother's Lounge
Categories: Shopping For Baby, Shopping for Her
Types: Coupon Codes

Deal Price: $14.95

List Price: $34.95

Shipping: $14.95 shipping fee only

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