What Can I Do To Help After A Natural Disaster?

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It is human nature to want to help someone when we can see that they are suffering, but what is the best way to give relief? It can be hard to know what organizations are legitimate, and what efforts we can make that will be the most beneficial to victims. Here are some ideas.

Donate Money

There are some great organizations that collect funds and use them wisely to purchase needed supplies for disaster victims. For example, The American Red Cross says that 90% off all their donations are used to deliver comfort and care to those in need. Other reputable charities that you can donate funds to include All Hands And Hearts and Direct Relief.

Donate Time

If you live around the area where a natural disaster has occurred, you may be able to help by volunteering your time. Whether it’s cleaning up, distributing food and supplies, or providing emotional support, it takes many volunteers to see people through the aftermath of a natural disaster. Go to Volunteer Match, where you can view volunteer opportunities in any area of the country.

Should I donate supplies?

Although it may seem helpful to donate your nice, used clothing to help people who have been displaced, you may actually be causing more problems. Donated clothing and household items, and even toiletries can actually slow down the process. After the 2004 South Asian tsunami, shipping containers full of items that could not be used clogged up ports and roads, and ill-suited items had to be disposed of. In short, it is more helpful and efficient for relief organizations to receive donated funds that can be used in the most needed ways.

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