Burlap Growth Chart

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-Burlap (.99 a yard at Hobby Lobby) {Burlap on Amazon}
-Permanent marker
-Number stencil (4.99 at Hobby Lobby) {Stencil Numbers on Amazon}
-Line stencil (6.99 at Hobby Lobby)
-Measuring tape or ruler

When I fist joined pinterest I saw the cutest growth chart, but was more than I wanted to spent. I kept it in the back of my mind and later came across this chart, I fell in love! I was on the hunt for some burlap just like the blogger used; however, I had no luck, until last week! I went to Hobby Lobby to get some craft supplies and there is was just staring at me! I shrieked and grabbed the whole spool of burlap. I quickly looked at the price, .99!! even better! I bought a few yards and decided I could now make my own chart for a few dollars (it is found in the section where piping is found-also near the reupholstering fabrics). I picked up some templates in the scrapbook section.

I started out by laying my sewing ruler next to my burlap, since the burlap was on a spool it wouldn’t lay flat so I taped it to my counter. Next to it I also taped my measuring tape


I marked every foot first with a large mark

I used the larger numbers for the foot marks

I simply placed the template on the burlap and took my marker and filled in the numbers on my burlap

I fell in love with it even more when I could see all the cute numbers! Next, I marked every inch. I used a smaller mark

My little girl is really little so when I start measuring her (I will begin when she is 1) I will use these cute safety pins I found at Micahels for $3.99 to mark on a little tag. Ill put her initials, date and age

To hook this on my wall I took a small nail at nailed it to the top and bottom of the chart. It is so small that I can just set the burlap right on it and it sinks through, because my baseboard are high when I measure my kids ill have to have a lower nail to hook the chart onto to drop it to the floor and get an accurate measurement

I am excited to have this full when my kids are grown up. Such a cute memory to have and the best part is that I can take it with me when and if we ever move

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See more DIY and craft ideas!

Types: Crafts, Kids
Categories: Frugal


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