DIY Fruit Stand


Super simple and super cheap!!  For $5 at the Dollar Store, I whipped this out in about 5 minutes.  Now I have a cute little spot to set all my fruit, without my bananas always getting overripe.  I have seen these all over Pinterest, and finally got around to making one of my own.  So simple, and super inexpensive.  Would be a cute way to display cupcakes, or cookies as well.  Or even use as a veggie tray!


IMG_5509 (700x467)

3 tiers ( I used a large plate, medium plate and a bowl)

2 candle sticks

heavy duty glue or glue gun


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Glue candle stick to the top of largest plate.  Glue the other candle stick to the bottom of bowl.  Attach layers together on middle plate.


Easy peasy!!

Categories: Home


  • I making mine tonight my cost more because the $ store did not have all I need but it night be $8.00

  • This is also super cute to use vintage plates and bowls, etc. from the thrift store! I even saw a yard bird bath made from glass ware this way, bought at yard sales or thrift store.

  • Janis and Charlene, thanks so much for your comments. Janis, hope yours turned out great!! Charlene, that is why I love this, possibilities are endless, and such a simple concept!! Love it!

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