52 Weeks of Pinterest: Week 52 – Nursery Alphabet Baby Shower Craft!

This year I wanted to go with a resolution I would have no problem sticking to! Then as I was pinning an item on Pinterest, a light bulb flashed on above my head. Ok, maybe not literally, but this great idea popped into my head. Those of us who are Pinterest users know that we pin hundreds of things a week, but do we ever do them? So I decided this year I would do one of my pins every week. At the moment, 52 weeks of Pinterest was born. Each week I will do something I found on Pinterest rather it be a craft, new recipe, organizing technique, or whatever!

Back in October I helped host my sister’s baby shower and I HATE, repeat Hate 100 more times, baby shower games. They are pointless, not fun, and sometimes just gross!!

Why not do something that is entertaining to both entertaining to the guests and useful for the mom-to-be?

I found this fun baby shower craft on Pinterest to make a nursery alphabet!



What You Will Need:

Wooden Letters

There are different versions of this craft on Pinterest like having each guest bring an already completed letter to shower with them. The other idea, and one I went with was having the letters there for the guests to paint.

That option won for me because it got me outta of the “What Baby Food Is This” game and it’s unique and a killer gift.

I purchased all of the letters prior to the date at Hobby Lobby with no coupons and purchased the XL sizes so I ended up paying about $40 on all of these letters. *GASP*!! It could have been significantly cheaper, like less than $20, had I waited for a sale and a coupon but sometimes I procrastinate! 😉

Anyhow – my sister was going with a safari theme so I wanted to give all the wooden letters a base coat of safari themed colors.


Some of the guests went through and changed the entire color as they were decorating, which was totally cool! The best part of this is you don’t get some generic alphabet for the nursery or play-room. You get a 1 of a kind piece. It was fun to see friends & family let their inner artists out.


This craft was a BIG hit and was so much fun for the adults and the older kids. There were younger kids there as well and I brought shapes my husband had cut out for them to paint as well.

Make sure to pin this to Pinterest to save for later! If you are not following us on Pinterest, make sure to do so now so you don’t miss out on some great pins! Hope you enjoyed the 52 Weeks of Pinterest series!

Categories: Home

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