Sephora Coupon Deals & Promo Codes

With a phenomenal selection of make-up and every day low prices, Sephora hits the mark in the sales of cosmetics. A French company, Sephora offers its vast selection of lipsticks, mascara, hair products and more in over 2,300 retail stores around the world. Want to save even more on these great cosmetics? Join the Sephora Rewards Bazaar for additional perks. Head to your favorite JCPenney store to see the latest Sephora deals. Or save time shopping around and check here for Sephora coupon codes and deals below. With Sephora Cosmetics, it really is possible to save money while looking your best! Check out the latest Sephora deals at!
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Past Deals (Now Expired)

Sephora: Clinique Acne Solutions Clinical Clearing Kit $14 (Reg. $28) +...
$14.00 $28.00 Sephora: Clinique Acne Solutions Clinical Clearing Kit $14 (Reg. $28) +...
Sephora: Favorites Limited-Edition Sets as low as $10 (Reg. $36+) + Free...
$10.00 $36.00 Sephora: Favorites Limited-Edition Sets as low as $10 (Reg. $36+) + Free...
Sephora: Cosmetics Advent Calendars as low as $45 (Up to $139 Value) +...
$45.00  Sephora: Cosmetics Advent Calendars as low as $45 (Up to $139 Value) +...
Sephora: Beauty Items as low as $2 (Reg. 12+) + Free Shipping | Origins,...
$2.00 $12.00 Sephora: Beauty Items as low as $2 (Reg. 12+) + Free Shipping | Origins,...
I Missed The Holiday Shipping Deadlines. Now What?
$50.00  I Missed The Holiday Shipping Deadlines. Now What?
Sephora Collection Wishing You 12 Shade Eyeshadow Palette $7 (Reg. $15)...
$7.00 $15.00 Sephora Collection Wishing You 12 Shade Eyeshadow Palette $7 (Reg. $15)...
Sephora Gift Sets as low as $4.90 After Code (Reg. $14) - Perfect Stocking...
$4.90 $14 Sephora Gift Sets as low as $4.90 After Code (Reg. $14) - Perfect Stocking...
Sephora Collection Trio Face Palette $7.50 (Reg. $15)
$7.50 $15.00 Sephora Collection Trio Face Palette $7.50 (Reg. $15)
Sephora Savings Event at Kohl's + 30% off Sephora Collection!
$1.00  Sephora Savings Event at Kohl's + 30% off Sephora Collection!
Kohl's Cyber Monday! Save Up To 50% Off Select Beauty Products from Sephora:...
$25 $74 Kohl's Cyber Monday! Save Up To 50% Off Select Beauty Products from Sephora:...
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