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Back-to-School Coupon Deals & Promo Codes

Get back-to-school ready! While school supplies can be costly, we can help! Shop Fabulessly Frugal's back to school deals and head back to school on the right foot, and with more money in your pocket, by browsing our deals below! Check out the stock up price for the most popular school supplies from our ultimate Back to School Shopping Guide!
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Past Deals (Now Expired)

Sun-Maid California Sun-Dried Raisins, 13 Oz as low as $1.94 After Coupon...
$1.94 $4.79 Sun-Maid California Sun-Dried Raisins, 13 Oz as low as $1.94 After Coupon...
SNICKERS, TWIX, 3 MUSKETEERS & MILKY WAY Full Size Bars Variety Mix,...
$16.73 $32 SNICKERS, TWIX, 3 MUSKETEERS & MILKY WAY Full Size Bars Variety Mix,...
Quest Nutrition Crispy Cookies & Cream Hero Protein Bar, 12-Count as...
$15.22 $30 Quest Nutrition Crispy Cookies & Cream Hero Protein Bar, 12-Count as...
SNICKERS Crunchy Peanut Butter Squared Fun Size Chocolate Bars, 11.5 Oz...
$2.99 $13.95 SNICKERS Crunchy Peanut Butter Squared Fun Size Chocolate Bars, 11.5 Oz...
Goldfish Cheddar Cheese Crackers, 6.6-Oz Bag as low as $1.60 After Coupon...
$1.60 $2.64 Goldfish Cheddar Cheese Crackers, 6.6-Oz Bag as low as $1.60 After Coupon...
Ritz Sandwich Crackers, 32-Count Variety Pack as low as $13.31 After Coupon...
$13.31 $20.48 Ritz Sandwich Crackers, 32-Count Variety Pack as low as $13.31 After Coupon...
Wireless Mouse $3.15 (Reg. $7.50) - Full Size Ambidextrous Curve Design
$3.15 $7.50 Wireless Mouse $3.15 (Reg. $7.50) - Full Size Ambidextrous Curve Design
V8 Juice 8-Packs as low as $2.78 when you buy 6 packs - 35¢ a Can + Free...
$2.78 $6 V8 Juice 8-Packs as low as $2.78 when you buy 6 packs - 35¢ a Can + Free...
Hershey's Nuggets Assorted Chocolate Party Pack, 31.5 Oz as low as $7.26...
$7.26 $25 Hershey's Nuggets Assorted Chocolate Party Pack, 31.5 Oz as low as $7.26...
Mott's Assorted Fruit Flavored Snack Pouches, 40-Count as low as $5.58...
$5.58 $8 Mott's Assorted Fruit Flavored Snack Pouches, 40-Count as low as $5.58...
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