Homemade Fabric Softener {Picture Tutorial}
This DIY Fabric Softener saves you money, is easy to make, and it really works!
Check out our tried and true Homemade Fabric Softener Recipe!
We are back and this time with one of our FAVORITE DIY recipes! DIY Fabric Softener! I don’t go through fabric softener as quickly as I do laundry soap, but I figured there had to be a recipe to make my own for less than what I pay at the store. I found one on pinterest and it is really easy to make. And another bonus is that you most likely have all of the ingredients in your home already!
Here is what you’ll need:
- 2 cups hair conditioner (Pick any scent you like!)
- 3 cups white vinegar
- 6 cups hot water
- container to mix it in
Mix the water, vinegar & conditioner together. You can use a big pitcher or bowl. It is best if it is a container that is easy to mix in and easy to pour from. For this particular batch I used a 12.6 fl oz bottle of conditioner and it yielded about 1.5 cups of conditioner, so I reduced the other ingredients accordingly.
Stir or whisk it all together, don’t shake it. It may take a few minutes of stirring until it is all mixed together.
You want it to be a smooth consistency, without clumps of conditioner. I use my funnel to pour it into an old fabric softener dispenser container. (So you can get an idea of volume, I made this slightly smaller batch in a 4-qt bowl.)
It is ready to go! I use about 1/4 cup in my HE washing machine fabric softener dispenser. It works well and smells great too.
Here is the cost break down:
- hair conditioner $1.50
- vinegar $0.48
(A gallon of white vinegar is about $2.55. There are about 16 cups in a gallon, so it ends up being about $0.16 per cup. This recipe uses 3 cups.)
It makes about 11 cups for close to $2.00 total. If you use 1/4 cup per load, then it is only about $0.05 per load!
$0.05 a load! That is crazy! And the best part is that you won’t even have to go to the store to make this product. Just take conditioner that you have put away in your cabinet, grab the vinegar, and go! I highly suggest storing it in an old fabric softener (store bought) container. It makes pouring it so easy! You honestly will not even notice the difference! The only change that you will notice is just how AMAZING your clothes will smell because of the conditioners scent! I love my homemade fabric softener and I am sure you will too.
Give it a try and let us know how it goes!
Even More Natural Option:
Fill your washing machine fabric softener dispenser with white distilled vinegar, then add a few drops of essential oil to the vinegar in the dispenser. I love using the Purify or On Guard essential oil blends!
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Thanks so much! I just got my new washer and dryer today! I have CHEAP laundry detergent but the cost of fabric softener makes me cringe. I will definitely be trying this!
I made it this weekend, and it works GREAT! I cannot tolerate scented fabric softener, so I didn’t add any essential oils. Everything came out nice and soft with NO static.
I have been using this fabric softener for a while now and NOW I am getting a lot of static when I take my clothes out of the dryer, the same quantities that you say.
Is there anything else I can do to keep this from happening? I don’t think the weather has anything to do with it, or people would make spring/summer/fall/winter fabric softener!!!!!!!!!!!
This is awesome! Thank you!
You can also use this to make your own reusable dryer sheets by soaking cloth diapers in liquid fabric softener and letting air dry. 🙂
After reading this, it got me wondering if you could save dryer sheets soak them and reuse them too.
I do that…..save my dryer sheets and re-soak….use until they fall apart
Oh, that’s a great idea!!
another way is to cut a cellulose sponge into some strips put them in a jar and fill half up with the fabric softener. when drying pull one of the strips, squeeze most of the fluid out and toss in the dryer. totally reusable just drop the strip back in the softener for the next load. One small sponge make about 6 strips. No static and cloths very soft. Had the same set of strips for over a year.
Cool trick, Sharon! Thanks for sharing!
I have several old t-shirts that I’m cutting up for rags and I’m going to try this with them Thanks for the idea!
Jennifer, did your experiment with the rags and fabric softener work? I’m dying to try it, but don’t want to waste my time/resources, especially since I won’t use a liquid softener…thanks!
I use sponges, put them in fabric softener and through them in the dryer
I love this idea about using sponges! Thank you for this idea.
Microfiber sponges work great!
Thanks for the idea!!
Have been doing the sponges in homemade softer for about a year now and love it, will never buy fabric softer or dryer sheets again. Have saved a lot of money!!!
YAY! I’m so glad we can help you save money!
Late to replying – but Marlene – do you have to resoak and wring out the sponges after each use? I’m thinking of the less mess the better, and don’t know about having to wring out sponges EACH load of laundry.
I cut sponges in half and leave in container with solution, when ready gently squeeze sponge and add to dryer with wet laundry. I also use water and fabric softener with a 2 to 1 ratio. works great.
Can this recipe be used to soak the cloth diaper in to make the reusable dryer sheet?
I have taken this one step more basic & just add a scent to vinegar. You could use an essential oil or something, but I just use a couple spritzes of dollar store cologne in a scent I like added to the quarter cup vinegar.
I made my own fabric softener with vinegar, baking soda, water and lavender essential oil. I keep trying to find the exact recipe, but for some reason the pin isn’t showing up on my pinterest board. I put it in a little pump bottle, the baking soda sinks to the bottom but I just shake it up some before pumping it into my washing machine.
check my web site. Scroll down to yesturday. It is from a friend of mine. I will send u a friend req.
can’t find you w/o last name
Found a recipe you might use: 1 cup water and 1 cup baking soda and 6 cups white vnegar. This will fizz and bubble up. Stir in 6 more cups water. Use funnel to pour into container. Can add essential oil fragrance. Use 1/4 to 1/2 cup per load.
This is so mean!
ummmm- baking soda and vinegar do not mix- at least not in a closed container- (that is what we make our volcanoes with…)
Hello can you explan me how yo make fabric softener that have scent for 2 day up
I would add essential oils, lavender, purify, and balance are some great options!
I would think it would just build up on your clothes. I’ve used this stuff for about a year now and it beats Downy hands down, clothes come out with no scent unless you add EO https://www.food.com/recipe/homemade-fabric-softener-179890
Does all the baking soda dissolve in this recipe? I’m wondering if my ratios were off when I made it and thats why I have so much baking soda left over. How much do you put per load?
I slowly mix them together, there should only be trace amounts left of the baking soda at the bottom. I don’t add all the extra water so I only need to add a little bit to the wash. Plain vinegar works just as well, I think you just add 2/3cup to the rinse cycle.
oh yes, thank you so much, I already have everything except the lavender conditioner, cause i already have lavender essential oil to add with, this will be great, so if one only uses 1/4 cup per load…that would make this 44 loads for $4.84 and lot’s of Vinegar left over for the next batch, wow I love this, again ladies, I love this, what a great savings, anyone besides myself making their own Laundry detergent as well? I found that recipe on utube, tried the wet version first, made 1 gallon @ 1/4c per load an pennies per load, cost me approx $7.50 for the Ingred. but I have alot left to make much more, Iloved it but the next batch I’m making (dry ingredients) in the food processer , this is fun………..saving money. Nampa, Idaho
Can u tell me where you buy your essential oil?
You can get them from Doterra. These oils are the most amazing oils I have ever used. They are the only Certified Pure Grade oils on the market. Because they are so strong you can use very little of them. I work at a Montessori school and we use them for everything. https://www.doterra.myvoffice.com/thehealingoils/
Thank You.I found it and made the fabric softener but i still cant smell it on the clothes.Can u tell me how many drops of oil to a qt of vinegar.
you can also get essential oils at your local heath food store, or order them off amazon. way cheaper than that other website listed above! plus you get more and they smell very good and you can smell them on your clothing!
Excuse me if I’m not the one you were hoping to get a reply from. I have that problem, too, my nose is not always smelling strong scents. I just gradually add more scent and write down the drops or 1/3 cup, or 10 spritzs, until I like the amount of scent that I smell. We all perceive scent a little differently, and I think its quite normal that we need more or less essential oil or perfume or hair conditioner.
I am really loving the posts on making homemade stuff. I would love love to see one on making cleaning supplies.
more coming soon! I have really gotten into making my own cleaning supplies so I’ll be sharing some “recipes” in the coming weeks.
Thanks Marji for the recipe on the homemade laundry soap. I made it this weekend but I haven’t had a chance to use it yet. It smells great! I’m super excited to make the fabric softener! Thanks so much for the great recipes and all the savings.
For an wonderful home-made cleaner, Here is the best grease cutter, dirt cutter I have made. I’ve made it for years-its so simple and pract costs nothing: One qt. squirt bottle,: and then just add 1/4 C. ammonia liquid, 1-2 drops of liq. dishes detergent, fill up with water. You can vary the strength with the ammonia (like B0-peep brand, or any generic ammonia.
All purpose cleaner, Fill spray bottle with water (3/4) to that add about 2-3 tablespoons of dawn dish soap (original) and a good squirt of lemon juice.
Pinned it and FB shared it. What a fab idea I am gonna try as I have everything right now…If this works for me no more running around after adds for my fabric softener and the best deal. As always thank you ladies.
what a great idea! thanks for sharing!! I never even thought of using a whisk!!
Question – I have been told you aren’t supposed to use fabric softener on kids clothes because it takes away the flame retardant. Which was why I like the crystals fabric softener, because it doesn’t apply to it. And essentially, it’s just salt/sugar crystals with scent. Would the homemade stuff be ok for kids clothes then?
I use it on everything but my kids’ pajamas. that’s probably all you would need to worry about.
Make it in food processor…mixes up great !
Not sure this is really a bargain. A friend and I figured it up and you can buy Downy for $6.99 for 105 loads which equals out to be $0.06 a load. So…this would be more expensive and definitely more work!
How many ounces do you get for 6.99? 105 loads should be about 210 ounces, if you use a quarter cup (2 Oz)per load. I looked on walmarts website, and bottle for 6.97 gives you 90 Oz, or 45 loads, which equals out about 15 cents a load
With the front loader washing machines you are only to be using a tsp of fabric softener in them and 1 TBL of detergent. They do get a build up and they hardly use that much water for a load. Run your washer by it self on the rinse setting look to see how much soap suds you see in your machine.. If you see lots of soap suds its because you have a build up.. I was told that your only to be using the 1 TBS of soap per load to wash and the 1 tsp of fabric softener as well. So you can still save big time buying the big containers to wash your clothes by buying Tide and Downy because You do not need to use the cap to measure because its too much..
i use some downey and delute it i think its too thick i water it down the dryer newer ones fluff up the clothes what happened ed debbieedto that pink stuff call
Can I use cider vinegar or does it need to be white?
You really should use white vinegar. Cider vinegar can stain clothes. It’s also more expensive most of the time so it’s also cheaper to use white vinegar.
I was always told that
brown vinegar is for healing
white vinegar is for cleaning
I make homemade laundry soap . The recipe I use is:
1 bar Fels Naptha Bar Soap, grated
Melt in 2 quarts hot water–don’t let it boil
Put 3 gallons of hot water into a 5 gallon pail
Add 2 cups of Washing Soda and
1 cup Borax to the hot water and stir until dissolved.
Now, add the melted soap and stir well.
Cover the pail with the lid, or plastic.
Leave it sit overnight.
The next morning, stir it well with a very large whisk – until it is a creamy consistency.
In clean laundry soap containers, mix 3 parts of hot water to one part laundry soap.
Stir soap mixture each time – before adding to the hot water in another bottle. This
will ensure that the consistency stays the same for all the bottles that you fill.
I got my whisk from GFS Gordon Food Service. For about $12.00.
I use about 1/4cup detergent per load of laundry or less.
I have an HE washer.
I am on my second batch of homemade laundry soap.
I really think that it is better than any store brand that I have ever used.
I have used Downy fabric softener because I think it smells so nice, but I am
going to try to make fabric softener next.
I also use white vinegar in the rinse water sometimes.
I bought the ingredients to make homemade fabric softener. I will be making it this week.
1 bottle creme rinse (use the ones that you can get for a dollar or less.
3 cups vinegar
6 cups distilled water.
Whisk together and pour into an empty fabric softener bottle.
I go to the recycling center and pick up bottles with lids, if I run out of used containers.
can the homemade fabric softener be used in he washing machines
Yep! It’s safe!
I simply use 1/4 cup white vinegar in my Downy ball so it opens automatically into the rinse cycle. It works well and doesn’t smell like vinegar after it rinses. I have almost no static and i can use it with my towels to make them softer without hindering their absorbency. I tried cider vinegar and the smell stayed in the clothes.
How strange is this,, was just thinking of google-ing this today!! Thank you so much, cant wait to try it!!
I know you are trying to save money – but the chemicals in your hair care products are meant to be RINSED OFF – and putting them into your clothes makes you exposed to them alllll daaaaaay loooooong.
Check out some of this stuff…
These ingredients are from the back of the suave naturals bottle and websites that talk about the ingredient follows
DMDM hydantoin, (https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ingredient.php?ingred06=702196 )
methylchloroisothiazolinone, ( https://www.truthinaging.com/ingredients/methylchloroisothiazolinone )
methylisothiazolinone, (https://www.naturalnews.com/005342.html )
For me, personally, part of the reason to make this stuff at home is to reduce my family’s and my own exposure to all the chemicals that are in this stuff. Now – your reasons may be different. I just look at the chemicals in downey – and see lots of the same kinds of chemicals in the hair conditioner too.
Personally, I use vinegar water to rinse my hair….
If you like citrus scents you should check out Trader Joe’s Refresh Citrus Conditioner. It doesn’t seem to have near the chemicals that other conditioners do.
Add about 1/4 cup white distilled vinegar to the last rinse. The acid in white distilled vinegar is too mild to harm fabrics, yet strong enough to dissolve the alkalies in soaps and detergents. Besides removing soap, white distilled vinegar prevents yellowing, acts as a fabric softener and is a static cling reducer, and attacks mold and mildew.
What id you can’t use scented stuff? My daughter has sensitive skin.
Pure vinegar would be good for her I’ve used it for years and my family has never had a reaction. If anything we notice that there is NO residue left on clothes from any detergents. I use about a half a cup white in my fabric softener dispenser.
I have allergies myself and I use baking soda to wash my clothes and vinegar as my softener and nothing else, I have been doing this for almost a year and my clothes are nice and clean and fresh. I do use home made softer with a little conditioner in it mixed with water that I put a sponge in and squeeze out the excess and throw it in the dryer as a softener sheet, but don’t even do this with all loads. My clothes are just as nice as when I used store bought laundry detergent and downy but I have saved a lot of money. I buy the big bag of baking soda at Costco and use about 1/2 cup per load, pour it right on the clothes and put the vinegar in the softener slot in my front loader HE machine.
I have been told that adding white vinegar to your wash if you have something blue in the wash, it will turn the blue clothing red.
when I was a kid mom would stick a cup of white vinegar in with the cold water wash to set the dye in our new levi’s. We also would set the dye for tie-dyed t-shirts by putting in a bucket of water with white vinegar.
That’s crazy and has never happened to me I have been using a half cup of vinegar in my rinse water for years now. Clothes come out clean and fresh. If I get a wild hair I might try adding the conditioner just for a touch of scent.
a friend of mine gave me the recipe. I will send you a friend request as I have not copied it yet
Could you just add essential oil to the vinegar and water for scent or does it need the bottle of conditioner? From the posts I’ve read, it seems like vinegar alone softens the clothes pretty well by itself. I just like using something that’s scented.
I’ve been using distilled white vinegar in every load as a freshener/brightener and just ran out of fabric softener sheets and have noticed that just using the vinegar my cloths don’t come out of the dryer all static and are just as nice without the softener so I’m sure the vinegar used on it’s own would work well too and it really doesn’t smell like vinegar. It’s nice and fresh smelling and feeling! I also use vinegar is a spray bottle mixed with water and use that as a spray to wash my laminated floors and it works amazing and no streaks!
maybe I should have read the recipe a little better, but I’m guessing “pure white vinegar” and “distilled vinegar” are 2 different kinds?, oh oh..Haven’t made it yet, but I had just gone to the store just to get the vinegar..
love your website,learn a lot
This recipe sounds good, but I think I do it cheaper. I buy the largest size of fabric softener sheets box at Wal-Mart. That is around $5 for 180 sheets. Since I tear those sheets in half, that gives me 360 loads-worth the large loads I do. If my math is correct, that is a cost of about 1.5 cents per load.
I see some of the comments are mixing oils into this. Does it smell bad otherwise? Also, what kind of oils? I have oils for my oil warmer is that the type?
I do not use oils as I have allergies, there is really no smell to using vinegar by itself as a softener, some people just like the smell of the oils on their clothes, guess it makes them feel like it is cleaner or something.
Is this HE?
I tried this on a few loads and have not been impressed. I followed recipe exactly and can smell vinegar. I then out in the whole bottle of conditioner and added water trying to save this. I may need to get cologne from dollar store. Next time I would CUT VINEGAR in HALF.
Is this safe for HE machines?
Okay, this is going to sound disgraceful, but I will attempt to show you why it is not. . Okay, so, this recipe has been working GREAT, except that my family was so spoiled by scent — Downy, in particular, although some others have worked — that they were missing it. Although I’d tell them, “The clothes do not have a scent, but they’re clean,” they continued to try to smell them!
So here’s what I did. First, I grabbed a Downy Ultra from KMart (on sale last week for $3 with coupon). Secondly, I have my mixture in several containers, one of which is a full-sized jelly jar with lid. It was halfway used, so I added three capfuls of Downy into the jar, then added some vinegar, and filled it up with water.
My clothes came out smelling as though I’d used straight Downy! My family is very happy now. Like I said, it might sound disgraceful, so here’s my argument:
1) I only added a small amount to one jar. Plenty more for those who want just the fabric softener effect without the strong scent.
2) Because it was only a small amount, the Downy will ‘live’ MANY times longer than it would have! I think it’s a 30-load, and I only used 3 caps, which will probably last about 12-15 uses, at least. So we’re talking what? Three HUNDRED uses?
3) More uses means less waste, yet my whole family can be satisfied,
4) Half the time I don’t use softener in the wash, and if i do, it’s vinegar. Something I like to do for fragrance is keep a BRIGHT, ORANGE wash cloth in the dryer. The first time, I dampened it in a good bit of very-watered-down Downy, and threw it in the wash. Ever since, I just refresh it with maybe a tablespoon of Downy. One time I had a HUGE load of linens, so I did this to three wash cloths. In the end, they were heavily scented (although the softener was still watered-down), and I barely used any!
I hope this helps and does not irritate anybody!
I LOVE this idea!!! I am IN LOVE with Gain and miss it. I have been using this homemade softener and it works good but Gain just smells so yummy. I actually have to stop in the laundry isle from time to time to get a wiff (it’s sad I know LOL) What was the ratio you used? (vinegar, softener, water)
I had this exact recipe sitting in my “waiting to publish” area of my blog, too funny. I chose the same scent as you LOL, I make it as a half batch though because I don’t have a big enough container at the moment LOL
I made some of this over the weekend. I have to say I am disappointed in the smell 🙁 I used a Suave conditioner that I thought smelt pretty good. I mixed up a batch and washed some clothes, adding the mixture to my downy ball. When I dried my clothes I could hardly smell the smell. However, the clothes have been EXTRA soft!! So i love it for the softness effect but not so much for the smell. Maybe if you added some scented oils to it the smell would be stronger?
I made this and used a bit of liquid fabric softener to scent the recipe listed. It worked well and gave off a pleasant but not overwhelming scent. Great recipe- I also used my emulsion hand/stick blender to mix it up (way faster).
How much do I use for a non-HE, top-loading washer?
I just recently tried this recipe and so far so good. It was super easy to make and I don’t notice a difference in my clothes between this and store bought fabric softner. The only complaint that I have is that the Suave scent is not that strong on your clothes. You can barely smell it. I don’t like overpowering scent but I do like to have sometime a little stronger. My one friend uses this recipe too and she said to just try using a different conditioner. Had anyone else used a different brand?
I made this and used it. Totally doesn’t work as well as commercial fabric softener. I tested a load of laundry using this formula with a load using Kirkland softener. The DIY softener is so ineffective that it doesn’t even feel like I softened my cloths. I doubt anyone who perpetuates this post has actually made and used this formula, much less compared it to any commercial brand.
Actually I found my cloths (and especially towels) to be much softer and fluffier (which is probably the vinegar stripping all the build up off the laundry). I think what you are missing is the scent, that’s the only drawback.
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I do a similar one to this, I mix 1 litre of vinegar, a sachet of fabric softener concentrate & top with water, give it a good shake. I only use 1 capful per load, so a 2 litre bottle of it lasts me a while. Cost is $1 for 2 litres.
Can you use soap scents oil that they have at hobby lobby that it’s in the soap making isle for $2.99 they also have the 100% easential oil for $6.99 for 1/2oz. & if I can use the $2.99 it be nice. I would appreciate any response. Thank you
You can give it a try. I have never used them, so I’m not sure how they will work. I always bought a scent of conditioner that I liked and it seemed to give it enough scent.
Have you tried this with chlorine bleach? I would like to use this with my husband’s white socks, but I bleach and I know that you can’t mix chlorine with certain chemicals because it makes a toxic fume. Another website with a similar recipe advised against using it with bleach, but I honestly don’t even know if my washer dispenses the bleach and the fabric softener at the same time, and if not, then does it matter?
I have used it with bleach with no ill effects
I also use my baking soda for laundry soap, straight vinegar as my softener and Clorox for my white clothes and they come out beautiful, have been doing this for close to a year now.
Oh, and to follow up on the soap scents…I had some and used it and it worked great. Try the lemon. Mmmm….
thanks for the tip!
I found the same here but this is in a kit form. I believe this is a fabric conditioner.
I will try this, and I’m sure you can soak a wash cloth or any kind of rag in the mix and throw it in the dryer, I usually forget to put in the liquid softener so wash cloth will wor great.
That’s a GREAT tip!!!
Beware I tried this and broke out in hive all over my body it was awful they said it was most likely the vinegar in the rest of it is going down the drain .
Dianna- That is a bummer. You should check with your doctor about allergies. Hives are a sign of an allergic reaction. You should find out which ingredient you used that you are allergic to. Allergies are such a bummer. I know from experience. So sorry to hear about that for you.
Why the vinegar?
The vinegar is a natural deodorizer and helps keep bright clothes .. Here are a ton of reasons why we love vinegar: https://fabulesslyfrugal.com/uses-for-vinegar/
Vinegar is corrosive with metal and I have a metal washing machine tub not to mention the rest of the machine makeup. I can’t see whete using vinegar in a washing machine is a good idea.
Oh dear. I have never heard that before. I have been searching the internet to see if there is any evidence that what you have said is true. I have not been able to find anything. Can you provide us with a scientific article that explains your claim. We certainly would not anyone to have a problem with this laundry detergent. I can tell you that many of the fabfrug team us this laundry detergent and we have not seen corrosion of our washing machines.
Chlorine bleach is also corrosive, yet it is safe to use in your washer when diluted as per the directions. By the same standards, vinegar is also safe to use in your laundry because it is highly diluted by the other ingredients and by the wash water. It will not damage your washer.
I don’t have scientific proof. It is based on observation. I had miles of tile flooring to wash and learned vinegar and water was good for a streak free clean surface. I only used a 1/4 cup of vinegar to over a gallon of water. After a period of time, the metal mop completely rusted over. Not to keep on this conversation, I truly want to accept Cindy’s comment because I do use the homemade detergent and love it, and now I need a softener. I am just afraid to ruin my top of the line washer. Thank you Cindy for commenting.
Water on a metal mops surface can cause rust. I think Cindy has a point about the dilution of any substance you use in your washer. I asked my husband if he had ever seen vinegar corrode metal and he suggested that most washers have a ceramic coating anyway. Not sure if that is the case for you. I hope you find something that helps and works for you!
For over a year now I have been doing my laundry using baking soda for laundry detergent, and vinegar for my softener, I use no boughten laundry detergent or softener. If I use softener sheets, I do the sponge’s in home made softener. I have allergies so I don’t use any essential oils, my laundry is nice and fresh smelling, whites are nice and white and colors are beautiful, really no difference from when I was using all the expensive things. I do still use clorox in my whites. Wash everything but whites in cold water.
I love vinegar as a softener! What a great idea! I use it to get rid of odors, but didn’t realize it did that! Thanks for the tip!
SOO excited To Try this out can This Be Used In “He” Washer machine ?
Hi Scarlett! You can TOTALLY use it in HE machines! 😀
Yes Scarlett, I have an HE washer and this is all I use now.
Has anyone ever tried using Epsom Salts at the beginning of your wash cycle as a fabric softener? It’s like the purex crystals and you can add essential oils to the salt to make it scented. It’s 4 cups salt and 20 drops oil mix well then you use 2-4 tablespoons at the start of the wash. I used just plain Epsom Salts one time and it worked great (I hate running downstairs to add vinegar in the rinse cycle sense I don’t have a downy ball) I can put this in the beginning and not have to worry about it. My question is though, if anyone has used this for a while if there has been any bad effects from it? Might be another alternative to fabric softener 🙂
i also wanted to know how much do you use in a top loading washer? Is 1/4 cup like in a HE washer! Thanks for the recipe
I have been using this recipe for about 2 years. I use essential oil. Both my hubby and I do not like strong smells. I buy the essential oil that have very light smells. I make enough to fill the laundry bottles with the spout on it. It lasts a long time. I need to make more I am just about out of it. I make a lot of home made cleaner. They are much cheaper and I know is in them.
So glad you love it! We love essential oils too! you can check out our favorites right here: fabulesslyfrugal.com/why-we-love-essential-oils/
I live in the UK and am glad to have come across this page to find this stuff actually works. I’m giving this a go this weekend. Ive ordered some essential oils off amazon from a store with very good ratings and gonna have a go at making my own more masculine scents for my fabric softener. I was just wondering does this home made softener stuff smell that much? Like the store bought stuff just minus all the chemicals or is less scent the trade off? I know obviously I can always add more EO to make it more scented but when using store bought softener the smell seems to all but disappear when my stuff is dry which is why I was wanting to try this. I live in a flat, no garden or tumble drier so my laundry is dried over radiators and a clothes horse.
The smell of the conditioner will linger slightly… but not much.
Sorry, I should have said I meant the smell of the essential oils
Oh, my bad, sorry! It really depends on the quality of oils you use. We love and recommend doterra. I use them on my dryer balls in my tumbler dryer, and the smell lasts several days. I think using them in a liquid fabric softener would get you even better results. I’d use at least 45 drops of a high quality essential oil if you are making the full recipe. If you use a less expensive brand that has the possibility of fillers, you are going to want to use a lot more than that.
Great. Well the store has good reviews so I should hope so. I should receive them either tomorrow or Friday so ill let you know how it goes but looking forward to trying it out.
Thanks a lot.
Can’t wait to hear how it turns out!
Well it doesn’t seem to be as good fragrance wise. I think my machine works a little too well on the rinse cycle. This mix does however leave my clothes really soft but I’m missing the nice smells 🙁
I wonder if you diffused the essential oils near where they were drying… I bet that would help the smell last longer, and you’d be past the rinse cycle!
Wow, what a find. I’ve been wanting to make my own fabric softener for a while. Thanks for the recipe and pictures!
Does the softeener made with vinegar lighten dark color clothes if hung outside? When I used it with the laundry soap once it faded the laundry.
Vinegar will lighten your hair when exposed to sun, so I imagine it would do the same to your clothes…
I got some Suave for a buck at the dollar store, so very cheap. I boiled the water and it only took a few sec to mix it up. Didn’t leave any scent whatsoever on my clothes, but they smelled clean. I also used homemade laundry soap. I haven’t decided if in my next attempt I want to add sent or leave it as is since they do smell clean but not “smelly” and so many people nowadays allergic to scents I might just stick with the clean smell.
How does this compared to HE softener’s? Use more or less?
I have been using this formula for about a year. Works great…and if you use an immersion blender for a minute or so, no shaking the bottle!
We get the 2 gallon pack of vinegar at Sam’s Club – $4.42 ($2.21 a gallon)
And the big (family size) container of conditioner is $2 at Dollar General.
Ours averages out to $.015 a load (2 TBS)
I also make homemade laundry detergent (powder) for $.07 a load.
One load of laundry costs our family a whole $.09!
I have been using this DIY fabric softener for a while now and I am using the quantities that you suggest.
Now I am getting a lot of static cling, just started, using same suave/vinegar/water as always. Please is there anything I can do to rectify this….HELP