Americas Haunted House Guide – Dare to Get Scared
The Undead. Ghosts. Zombies. Blood and gore. Things that go bump in the night.
What if they were all around you, and you had nowhere to hide, no escape from their bony hands reaching, misty forms creeping, crawling towards you!
Scared yet?
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That’s only the beginning. America’sbest-hauntedd houses are opening their doors this Halloween season to people who like a good fright while exploring terrifying, unnerving and downright eerie dwellings. Intense doesn’t even begin to cover it. With some haunts taking the business to out-of-this-world levels through uber-realistic costumes, makeup and set designs that rival the best of horror films, others got their origins from teenagers daring each other to enter old, abandoned houses, later turning the places into legitimate money-makers. Fog machines, freakishly accurate audio, flashing lights or no light at all as patrons feel their way along spider-webbed walls, only to find the hair-raising, roughened touch of a monster is the norm at the places that make a living off the legends of the undead or dying. Get chilled to the bone as you peruse the blood-curdling haunted buildings that are peppered all throughout the U.S.’s mortal realm.
Real Haunted Houses in the United States
Evansville, Indiana:
The Willard Public Library is reportedly haunted by a female who is now called ‘the Grey Lady’. Local police, in response to the setting off of a security alarm, claimed to have seen two ghosts in the library’s upstairs window. Other instances of water taps being turned on and off, the unexplained fragrance of perfume, sensations of coldness, noises, items being moved, and random things found in the library with no reasonable origin has been commonplace.
Oxford, Kansas:
The Oxford Middle School is supposedly housing a ghost by the name of Anne Marie. The school’s doors have long been closed, but that didn’t close down the stories. Spending most of her time in the Gym balcony’s storage area, Anne Marie has made herself known through multiple sightings.
St. Francisville, Louisiana:
The Myrtles Plantation is reported to be haunted by a former slave named Chloe, who was put to death by fellow slaves after killing (by accident or otherwise) certain members of her master’s family. Chloe is said to have used oleander leaves to do the trick, put into a cake. It’s thought that her associates expired her to escape their master’s punishment upon them.
Bannack, Montana:
Bannack is a real ghost town, founded in 1862 and named after the Bannock Indians. historically one of the original to be settled in the county. And word has it that it’s haunted by many, like Dorothy, lady in a blue gown who drowned in a nearby creek, or the executed group of outlaws that are having a hard time leaving town, though every effort’s been made to get them to do so.
Carson City, Nevada:
The Nevada Governor’s Mansion, first inhabited by Governor Denver S. Dickerson and family in July of 1909. Staff and Governor’s Mansion guests alike have supposedly witnessed what is thought to be Una Dickerson, the late Governor’s wife, and daughter Jane. Jane Dickerson was the only child ever born at the Mansion.
Greensboro, North Carolina:
Jamestown is the home of Lydia’s Bridge, where in the 1920’s a girl and her date were coming home from a local dance on a night that was purportedly chock-full of fog. Hurrying so as not to pass curfew, Lydia’s date lost control of the automobile, colliding with the Southern Railroad Underpass Bridge. The driver died immediately, but the severely injured girl got herself out of the car, then attempted to flag down help. Likely looking somewhat disheveled, she may have been mistaken for a hitchhiker. No one stopped to offer assistance, and Lydia passed away at the road’s edge. Numerous stories began to surface as people told of giving a ride to a hitchhiker dressed all in white who called herself Lydia, a girl who recites her address and still expresses concern regarding being late for her curfew. Disappearing each time before she is taken to her desired location, Lydia is now called the Phantom Hitchhiker, Lady in White, and the Vanishing Lady.
What Makes it Haunted?
- History: Every haunted house has some history, whether fictionalized or not, it’s the story that is the start of hair-raising on the backs necks, or the chills that begin to run up and down arms.
- Sensory overdrive: Sights, sounds, smells, damp air, textures such as surfaces that are too rough, too damp, too slippery, too slimy, too unstable
- Our culture: The horror/ sci-fi movie-makers have made a mint off of scaring viewers out of their wits, and viewers happily pay them to continue to bring us more scares, year after frightening year.
How Will You React?
- Tears. Some are so scared, they find themselves crying.
- A big rush. Plan to experience large doses of adrenaline.
- Uncontrollable Trembling. Shaking. Quaking. Just like a leaf, but on steroids.
- Screaming. It’s not uncommon.
- Confusion. A haunted house is meant to scramble up what once firmly-held logic. Better keep your wits about you if you can.
- Paranoia. Those monsters, ghouls and zombies look like they’re locked up behind sturdy bars, but are they?
Features To Watch For On Your Haunted  House Visit!
Werewolves, monsters, zombies, mutants, ghosts, cemeteries, hidden passages, moments of pitch-black darkness, fake (or are they?) spiders, rats, snakes, moaning and groaning of tortured souls, unplanned interactive experiences, dilapidated-looking buildings, loud noises, realistic cosmetics, costumes, and characters.
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