Wheat Grass Picture Display

Do you love the greenery that you see in some stores and boutiques, but they are fake? Do you want to learn how to get REAL greenery in your home for under $10.00? Then, follow the easy tutorial below to learn how!

Wheat Grass
A container
Scissors/pocket knife
A photo

First you need to get some wheat grass, I bought mine at whole foods. They sell 1/2 pallet for $6.99 or a whole pallet for $8.99 (prices may vary at each store.) I ended up buying a whole pallet, because my local store was out of the 1/2 pallets. They did offer to cut it in 1/2, but I decided I would use all of it and just bought the full pallet. If you don’t want to buy the grass and would rather grow your own you can. You just need to buy the wheat grass seeds, also found at your local health food stores. It is cheaper, the grass takes about 10 days to grow. For sake of time.. (Im too busy to grow my own) I decided to just buy it! If you are interested in growing your own, here is a great website to learn how; www.ehow.com

Then you will need to to find a container to put the grass in. I bought the small tin (see below) from dollar store and the large tin (see below) from Tai Pan for under $5.00

Now to begin, you will need to measure out your wheat grass.. it doesn’t need to be perfect, Just eyeball it and cut it with some scissors or a pocket knife. Make sure your grass is a little bigger than the inside of your container so it is snug. measure twice, cut once! If you happen to cut it too small, just cut some more of the grass and stick it together tight in the container, it will eventually grow together

Then, find a picture that you want to display. Tape your picture to some green floral wire and stick it into your grass. I had enough grass that I was able to make several displays.. some I displayed a picture and some I just left and displayed the grass alone

Once you have it all together, water your grass until the dirt is moist. You will need to water your wheatgrass about every other day. It grows fast so you will also need to trim it, if you want the top of the grass flat. I love the greenery I have on my dining room table. What a cute table center piece for Spring! If you would like to read more on how to take care of your wheat grass, here is an article to help; www.ehow.com

Types: Crafts
Categories: Frugal


  • You can actually do this with wheat kernals. You don’t have to go out and buy special wheat grass. Fill your container with soil and lightly cover with wheat kernals. Spray with water to dampen. Cover with saran wrap (acts like a greenhouse) and in just a few days it will be sprouted. Make sure it stays damp each day. Within 1 week it will look like your photo above.

    I do this each Spring and have some ready for Easter. And I just use the wheat kernals in my food storage. Works great!

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