homemade laundry soap recipe

How to Make Homemade Laundry Soap (Liquid or Powder)

Adult|Inside The House|#StayHome
The Best Homemade Laundry Soap Recipes Do you want to know how to save BIG money on laundry soap? Well, it's quite easy really, all you need to do is learn how to make your own! I originally learned how to make this liquid DIY laundry detergent from a friend, but it's originally based on the Duggar laundry soap recipe, which is one of the most popular homemade laundry soap recipes around. And if you prefer powder, it is even easier to make and one of my other friends uses... Read this post

7 Simple Ways to Refashion Men’s Shirts

The other day when I was cleaning out my closet, I realized that there are so many oversized shirts of my husbands that he doesn't wear anymore. I figured that it would be so neat to find some ways to refashion men's shirts into a women's shirt or a... Read this post
Beach crafts

10+ Simple and Fun Beach & Ocean Crafts for All Ages

When you can't be at the beach in person, just enjoy some "beach" time at home! We've gathered some of our favorite simple and fun ocean & beach crafts for kids and adults alike Below you'll find art projects, decor ideas, toys, and even a... Read this post
St Patrick's Day DIY craft hair pin

How to Make a Mini Hat Hair Clip for St. Patrick’s Day

Easy DIY Mini Hat for St. Patrick's Day Ok. This is probably one of the best little projects I've come across. My mini hat hair clip turned out so cute, it was easy to make, and I love how easy it is to pin into my hair! I originally got this idea... Read this post

30 of the Most Creative and Cheap Halloween Costumes For Kids in 2020

It is ALMOST October and we all know what that means... HALLOWEEN! I love Halloween! It is such a fun holiday and my kids LOVE deciding what they want to be each year. I always cringe at how much people are charging now-a-days for halloween costumes!... Read this post
Kimono designs

10 Simple DIY Kimonos Anyone Can Make

Hello ladies! It’s fashion DIY time. Get ready to learn how to make your own kimono with the DIY kimonos below! Kimonos are perfect cover-ups for summer because they are made out of light and breezy fabrics. They're also quite easy to create... Read this post
Homemade headbands

16 Fabulous DIY Headbands You Can Make for Cheap

The Best DIY Headband Ideas! Whether you're trying to keep the hair out of your face or you just want to accessorize a bit, headbands are a great way to accomplish both of those things! Even better, you can make your own DIY headbands for a lot cheaper... Read this post
DIY clothes for winter

10 DIY Winter Clothes and Accessories

DIY Clothes and Accessories for Winter Winter is coming and we've got you covered from head to foot with these DIY winter clothes and accessory ideas! You'll be amazed at how stylish these homemade garments are, and you'll love how warm they'll keep... Read this post
DIY Teen Halloween costumes

20 Homemade Halloween Costumes for Teens

Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Teens The cost of Halloween costumes seems to creep up every single year! I remember walking into a Halloween store only to find costumes in the $50-$100 price range! That's insane! It got me thinking that there... Read this post
DIY fanny packs

14 Modern DIY Fanny Packs That Look Great

14 DIY Belt Bag Ideas! Guys, fanny packs are back! Not only are they SUPER functional (they're perfect for traveling), they can be really cute too. And, you can make your own DIY fanny packs pretty affordably as well! Whether you want to go all... Read this post
Cool diy Projects for teens

30 Cool DIY Projects for Teens and Tweens

Crafts|Inside The House|#StayHome
Crafts for Teens and Tweens That Are Actually Fun Let's be honest for a second: crafts for teens and tweens can seem a bit, well boring at first. The truth is, there are just a lot of crafts for kids and other crafts that are more on the boring side... Read this post
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