DIY Paper Filer in Under 5 Minutes and Costs less than $1!!

I absolutely love how easy this project is! I got sick of looking at all of the papers I had laying around my room and I didn’t feel like spending any more money buying a little plastic holder to file all my paper in. So, I took things into my own hands! I’m glad I did too! This paper filer is SO cute!

Here’s what you’re going to need:

  • Old Cereal Box
  • Print Duct Tape (got mine at the Dollar Tree)
  • Scissors

Your first step is to cut  about three inches down the top side of your cereal box. Repeat on the opposite side.

Now, cut straight across the top of the box so both of the cuts you made on the sides are met.

Cut the remaining flaps off.

Now, cut down the center of the side of the box, just to where we cut our horizontal line. Do the same on the other side panel of the box.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of this part of the process but you will see what I’m talking about in just a second.

Now, take your printed duct tape and use it to cover the top of your box.

Your box should look like this once your top is done…. (take note of the side panels in this picture, this is the step I forgot to take a picture of!).

All that is left to do is tape the remaining sides and bottom of the box!

That’s it!! Isn’t it cute? Just remember, it is a cereal box so it’s not going to be super sturdy. As a matter of fact, I’m glad it wasn’t! Since the sides gave a little, I was able to stuff my printer paper in it without too much of a problem.

You can put this together in under 5 minutes while spending less than a dollar to do so! I still had more than half my roll of printed duct tape from the Dollar Tree left over once I was done putting this together!

I hope you like this post! This little box sure will be cute on your nightstand or desk!

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