Do It Yourself Bathroom Wipes!

Do you remember that awesome post Amber did a while back; DIY Cleaning wipes? Well, we’re going to use a few of her steps to make our own bathroom wipes! I’m so excited about this DIY! Ok, ok, moving on…

I LOVE Cottonelle Moist Toilet Wipes. Even though they are fairly inexpensive, I don’t like spending the extra cash on something I can make on my own. Now, making these is a bit more time consuming that making regular cleaning cloths but it is still very easy to do! Here we go!

Here is what you’re going to need:

  • High Quality Paper Towels (I used Bounty’s Select a Size; the smaller sheets are perfect!)
  • Sharp Knife
  • Filtered Water
  • Summer’s Eve Cleansing Wash
  • Aloe Concentrate
  • Glass Jar
  • Storage Container (I’m using my old Cottonelle container)

Ok, here is where we are going to follow Amber’s tips: Take your paper towel roll and cut it lengthwise with a very sharp knife. Try not to “saw” too much. The sawing motion causes lots of shredded paper fluff!

Once your paper towel roll is cut in half, unroll at least a dozen sheets. Fold one sheet over the next so they will pull apart in a fluid motion later on.

Now that you have your dozen sheets ready, you are going to fold each sheet in half again. Make sure you fold one sheet over the other again to ensure the paper comes out of the container properly.

If you folded your dozen paper towels properly, you will have 24 sheets in total. Once all of your sheets are folded, insert it into your old moist toilet wipe container.

Now we’re going to prepare the mix. Grab a small glass jar and fill it half way with distilled water. I used one of my 8 oz. mason jars, so, it was filled with about 4 oz of water.

Once you have your water ready, add a few drops of Summer’s Eve Cleansing Wash.

*Note: there is plenty of controversy about using washes of any sort on the “nether region”. However, after looking at the ingredients on the back of my Cottonelle wipes and a bottle of Summer’s Eve Cleansing Wash, I noticed MANY of the ingredients were the same.*

I also decided that if I was going to add a wash of any kind, it should be one designed just for that, soooo…that’s why I chose that cleanser. Feel free to omit this if you like.

Next, add a few drops of aloe. I added an entire capful.

Aloe will help sooth the skin with it’s anti-inflammatory abilities while providing beneficial antioxidants.

Remember, all of these ingredients are extremely diluted. However, be sure you do not have any allergies to anything we are using before you use these wipes! We don’t want any surprises with this delicate area!

Now, shake up your ingredients and pour over the top of our homemade wipes.

Be sure to saturate them but don’t saturate them so much that there is fluid remaining at the bottom of the container. If there is, pour it out.

Once your wipes are moistened, pull the top of the first wipe up through the mouth of the wipe container.

That’s it! You’ve just made your own moist bathroom wipes!

Oh, just remember to toss these in the trash can instead of flushing them! I don’t trust the “flushable” wipes either but since we’re using paper towels, be sure to throw them away. These are certainly not safe for the plumbing!

I really think the one paper towel roll I cut in half will probably give me enough wipes to last me a year! Assuming little hands don’t steal them away! 😉

I hope you’ve enjoyed this DIY! Please remember to like, share, tweet, and pin this post! 🙂

Categories: Home



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