DIY Flower Clips {Picture Tutorial}

I have 2 girls and they both love to wear bows in their hair. I LOVE to put fun accessories in their hair and am always looking for something fun, new and inexpensive to make! I am not a good bow maker (so I usually buy those), but I figured out how to make flower hair clips a few years ago. It is a quick, inexpensive gift to make for a baby shower; or if you are missing the perfect accessory for your little girl’s outfit. Here is what you need to make these cute flower clips.


Silk Flowers-I always buy them when they are on sale. I got mine from Michael’s when they were buy one get one free so they were $1 each {see if there are any you like on Amazon}

Hair ClipsThey are cheapest at Sally’s I got a box of 100 for about $4 {it was a few years ago that I got the box so I can’t remember exactly how much they were, there are also some on Amazon}

Flat rhinestones-Michael’s {30 for $3 – or find some on Rhinsstones on Amazon)

Brads {one for each flower} {find some Brads on Amazon}

Glue gun {find a glue gun on Amazon}

Wire cutters {find wire cutters on Amazon}


First you pull of the stem then place the wire cutters between the green part and the flower and cut the stem. Be careful not to cut the flower!


Pull off the yellow part on the front of the flower


Place a brad in the front of the flower through the hole


Fasten the brad down in the back


Put some hot glue on the brad in the center of the flower


Place the flat rhinestone in the middle of the flower. Hold it firmly until the glue cools.


Put hot glue on the back of the flower


place the hair clip on the glue


I used a glue stick so I wouldn’t burn my fingers to get the flower firmly pressed on the glue. Let it dry and you are ready to wear it


Here are the 4 flower clips I made in just about 10 minutes for under $5 for all of them. I think one flower clip that you buy premade costs $5!

flower-11 copy


My 4 year old was so excited for her new flower clips. She had to put on in right away!

Types: Crafts
Categories: Frugal


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