Coupon Organization: How to Clean Out Your Coupon Binder

Is Your Binder Feeling… UGH!!!???

Organization is KEY to couponing! If you aren’t organized, couponing can get frustrating and even come to a halt! Also, if you don’t clean out your binder – you’ll get to the point where you can’t close it (and then it’s a pain to carry around)!


One of the things that I love about the clip-LESS coupon organization system is that it’s easy to pull out expired coupons. Remember that you can always donate expired coupons to the Overseas Coupon Program!

Here is a list & this is how you use it…

  1. This is a list of  all the  inserts that still have unexpired coupons. If the insert isn’t listed, that means there are no valid coupons in it, or our contributor didn’t do it)
  2. The date in blue is the Sunday that the insert came out.
  3. Underneath each date are unexpired coupons (as well as their expiration date)
  4. Personally, if I know with out a doubt that I will NOT use that coupon, I’ll pull the entire insert to make room in my binder. OR…
  5. You may want to just clip out the few remaining coupons and pull the rest of the insert.
  6. If you have any inserts older than November 24, 2013, you don’t need them any more!

Make sure to click “like”

if you want me to keep this

updated each month!

Click here to view this spreadsheet in a new page.

{or print your own by clicking here, OR download the excel file}

As you scroll down, you’ll be able to see the newer inserts still have many coupons available.

Is this useful? Do you want me to do this every month?

Please leave a comment if you are a clip-less coupon organizer and have an idea for making this easier to read!


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