Disclosure: We. Make. Money
Yep – we sure do.

Do you think we’d be spending hours and hours on this blog since 2008 just for fun!? Do you think we’re crazy?
Sure, we love working on this blog, if we didn’t, we’d stop! I’m the first to admit it is certainly more fun to bring in a little extra cash doing something you enjoy!
Why in sam hill are we telling you this? The FTC came out with new regulations for bloggers effective 12/1/09. If we make money on a post. We’re supposed to let our readers know. We could give you the boring shmoring disclosure you’ve been reading everywhere else. But that just isn’t who we are!
When I started this site in October of 2008, it was merely to share info with friends and family. Nothing more. About 4 months into it, we tossed around the idea of putting up a few “ads”. We weren’t in it for the $, but we did think if we could pull in a few extra dollars to justify to our husbands all the time we were putting into it, we wouldn’t object (nor would our hubbys). So we went for it.
Here are a few things you should know:
- We are very particular about the “ads” we put up.
- We only put up about 1% of the slew of “offers” out there.
We do this because we want you, our fab readers, to know that what we are posting is worthwhile. Our time is precious. We refuse to post every single thing out there (goodness, there is a lot of it!)… and frankly, we don’t think you’d read us if we did. What’s the point of me telling you this? If we post it, we believe in it. If we are a little unsure of the offer, but we post it anyway (because it sounds pretty darn good, but we didn’t have time to try it out ourselves), we’ll let you know!
So now on to the nitty gritty. Here is a list of most of the companies we are affiliated with:
Amazon.com (we are apart of the Amazon Associates program. We get 4-8% of the purchase you make after clicking through our site!)
Commission Junction
Impact Radius
Cactus Media
We have sponsored content as well… where a company pays us to post their deal or talk about their product. There are a lot of offers we decline simply because we don’t believe it’s a good fit for our audience, the deal isn’t good enough, or the company doesn’t align with our core values.
So thanks for supporting our site
by clicking on links in our posts,
you help keep this site alive and kickin!