Do It Yourself PHOTO Shrinky Dinks!

I can only remember making Shrinky Dinks ONCE as a child but for some reason, the need to play with these things has consumed me for a while. So, I finally went to Michael’s Art Store and found a package of Shrink Art. I used a 50% off coupon and walked out with my kit for just about $4.00.

I didn’t want to use my Shrinky Dinks in the typical manner; coloring little pictures on them. What I wanted to do was see if I could make PHOTO Shrinky Dinks!! And guess what?! Mission Accomplished!!!

Ready to learn how to make your own Photo Shrinky Dinks?

Here we go!!


Here’s what you’re going to need:

The first thing you want to do is prep your shrink art paper to go through the printer.

Place your shrink paper up against a regular sheet of copy paper. Cut the copy paper so that the length is just a tad longer than the shrink paper. Make sure the width is cut even with the shrink paper.


Make sure your shrink paper is right side up (rough part on top). Next, fold the edges of the copy paper over the ends of your shrink paper.


Use a small piece of tape to tape the edges to the shrink paper.


Make sure the copy paper is taped to the shrink paper at the top and the bottom! This is going to help the shrink paper make it through your inkjet printer without getting stuck.

Place your paper into your printer. Be sure to place the paper in the correct way! You want the shrink paper to be printed on, not the copy paper, so, you will (in most cases) place the copy paper side up in the printer.

Next, select the photo you want to work with.


Now here is the important part! Once you’ve selected the photo you want to work with and you are ready to print, go into your printer properties. Where it says “Paper Type”, select Transparency Film. Do not select any other type of photo paper. I used the “other photo paper” selection the first time I tried this and I ended up with blobs of ink all over my shrink paper.

*Note: If you are printing anything with lettering, be sure to invert your photo before printing!

Once your print settings are changed to transparency film, go ahead and hit print.



Now, remove the tape and separate the copy paper from the shrink paper.


Use your scissors to trim the photo to your liking. If you’re going to want to string your photo up in any way, be sure to punch your hole prior to shrinking your paper.

Place the shrink paper on a baking sheet and follow the directions on the box to shrink your photo.

*My particular shrink paper required the oven to be set at 325*. Once the oven was hot, I placed my baking sheet into the oven for just about 2 minutes.



I printed a “contact” sheet too so I was able to do 16 smaller photos (perfect for earrings or a necklace pendant).



This is what I ended up with after 5 minutes in total (2 with the bigger picture, 3 with the smaller ones).

IMG_7764_optPersonally, I love the matte look but you can flip them over for a more dramatic glossy image (this may not be possible if you use lettering).

This is the flip side…


Either way, I LOVE THEM!! I can’t wait to turn them into pendants for necklaces and earrings! I see magnets in their future too!!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little project. You will LOVE the results and I’m sure once you get started, you’re going to have a hard time stopping!

Thanks for reading! Please remember to like, share, tweet, and pin this post! 🙂

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