DIY Weed Barrier

weed barrier I hate weeds!  It seems like you pull them one day and the very next day they are back again.
We get some pretty bad weeds because we are on irrigation water.

Anything that gets me out of pulling weeds is worth a try!
I saw this idea and thought heck why not, I have enough newspapers might as well put them to good use! 😉

I knew you could shred the newspaper and put it in your flower beds and it would make your flowers gorgeous I just didn’t know it worked as weed barrier too.
In our old neighborhood there was a guy that always had shredded paper in his flower beds, now I know why!

All you need is an area full of weeds, some newspaper and a hose.
I pulled all the weeds in this area.
I then laid down the newspaper make sure to overlap it.  I would do a little section then water it down do another little section and water it down.
Do not attempt this on a windy day! 😉

After your area is covered I watered it down again making sure the newspaper was good and wet.  I did not have any rock to place over this since we are taking most of this out (yes even the roses) to plant grass so I just scattered some rock that we had out front over the paper to hold it in place.

The idea is as the newspaper gets wet and decomposes it kills off any weed seeds and roots making them not grow back.

Other options: cardboard (wet of course) and empty charcoal bags. 😀

To not have weeds grow back it was worth the 45 minutes it took me to do this!

Does it work?  I am not sure but I can’t wait to report back to tell you if it did or not!

Have you tried it?  Did it work for you?  Tell me in the comments!

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