10 Low-Cost Date Night Ideas

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Keeping our relationships healthy and strong should be on the top of our priority lists. Having a regular date night is a great way to stay connected. Unfortunately that can be hard to do when money is tight. Try one of these low-cost date ideas that are sure to be a good time.

Have a mini book club

This is a fun, low-key date idea. Take turns choosing a book and set aside time to talk about how you like it. Check out Chirp to find some great deals on books from your favorite genres.

Have a picnic

Make up some sandwiches, or grab some takeout and head to a park or other outdoor space. If it’s too rainy, sitting in your car having dinner and enjoying the sounds of the rain can be fun too.

Visit a museum

Are you both interested in art, history, architecture, etc.? Try out a new museum together. Check with ones in your area, as museums will often have discount days.


Find a local charity and spend some time giving back to others. This can be a fun and rewarding experience. Justserve.org is a great place to get started.

Go stargazing

Look for a quiet spot away from city lights to go with your significant other. Don’t’ forget to bring a blanket so you can lay down and find your favorite constellations. Grab a constellation field guide to find out what constellations are best seen this time of year.

Go Bowling

This is a fun activity that takes absolutely no prep time and can be a fun, easy way to be together.

Go to a drive-in movie

Believe it or not, there are still thousands of drive-in movie places around the country.  Click HERE to find one in your area, then cuddle up and enjoy the show.

Cook Together

Try a new recipe and make a meal or dessert together. We have tons of easy tried and true recipes for you to try HERE and you can check out Cathy’s YouTube Chanel some great tips, tricks, and recipes HERE.

Be A Local Tourist

Spend a day checking out all the tourist attractions in your area. You never know what you will find!

Host a game night

Invite other couples over for a game night. Play one of your old favorites or try a new game. Don’t forget the snacks!

105 Cheap Date Night Ideas for Couples

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