How to Clean the Jets in a Jet Tub. All you need is ONE Ingredient!

I’ve been doing a little spring cleaning the last few days and I really wanted to give my tub a good cleaning. Now, we all know how to scrub a tub; we’ve talked about it here before. What I mean is, I want to clean the jet system in my tub. I get a little grossed out thinking about all the stuff that’s being pushed into my clean water when I turn them on. Dead skin soup, anyone? GAG! So, I pulled out my SINGLE cleaning ingredient and went to work.

Here’s how to do it yourself!

photoThe first thing you want to keep in mind is that bleach is not something you want to use. I’ve read plenty of stuff online about using it to clean your jets. Don’t do it! The bleach will eventually dry out all your seals and you will then have to replace them. We want to make things better, not worse!

So, what do you use, you ask?

Powder Dish Detergent

Yup, that’s it! The same stuff you use in your dishwasher is going to clean out that nasty grime. It doesn’t matter the brand you choose as long as its a powder. The liquid stuff tends to foam and you don’t want that action going on in your tub.

Fill your tub with hot water and make sure all of the jets are covered by at least 2 inches of water.

IMG_8227Add 1/4th cup of dish detergent to the water.

IMG_8233Now, turn on those jets and let those babies work! Leave them running for at least 15 minutes so the detergent has a chance to circulate through the jet system.

Once your time is up, turn the jets off. You will see some nasty stuff float to the surface.


Now, drain the dirty water, rinse the tub, and refill with clean water.

Turn the jets on again and let them run for 5-10 minutes.

Once your jets have had enough time to circulate the detergent water out, you can turn your jets off and drain your tub.

You’ll really notice a difference in the clarity of the water in your first full tub and the second (after letting the detergent circulate).


That’s it! Pretty simple, huh?

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